Example sentences of "[prep] put [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 Participants will review the proposals outlined during the first such consultation , held in Buenos Aires in July 1990 , and discuss ways of putting them into practice .
2 ‘ Rule 2 : Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods and the seller is bound to do something to the goods , for the purpose of putting them into a deliverable state , the property does not pass until the thing is done , and the buyer has notice that it has been done . ’
3 Now we 've covered the basic techniques of sailing , the best way of putting them into practice is by sailing round the triangular course and so I 've laid out these three marks .
4 misfortune , and yet , and yet the cost of putting them into a bed and breakfast would stop those people 's houses going on the market and it would stop those people who are benefitting from it , from benefitting from it
5 No one had ever asked his opinion before for the specific purpose of putting it into print in a newspaper article that might be read by millions of people .
6 At the Board of Trade , Beveridge , with Llewellyn-Smith , gave considerable thought to the problems of putting it into practice .
7 But he had not yet mastered a way of putting it into words .
8 Having entered the soft systems world as an untrained novice some years ago , and endeavoured to apply the theories to problem situations within my normal sphere of activity , aided only by the few textbooks that were then on the market and occasional contact with other exponents of the approach , I am keenly aware of the difficulties that some practitioners may have , not only with understanding the principles but also with putting them into practice .
9 They resented the way in which the Chancellor interfered — in effect though not in theory — with their judgements , by prohibiting the man who was successful at Common Law from putting them into force .
10 Construction is proceeding despite an interim court order restraining the company from putting it into commission .
11 Scrub or scrape the skins of early potatoes before putting them into lightly salted boiling water and cooking until just tender .
12 So , for perfect results , reduce everything to the lowest common denominator before putting it into the press .
13 For elaborate structures stick rocks together with silicone sealant , but let it cure completely before putting it into your tank water .
14 They must survive the heat and other stresses involved in putting them into a warhead that can disperse them in a fine mist over enemy positions .
15 If teachers are , as we saw , to " articulate purpose " , they must know what purposes are possible and what is involved in putting them into effect .
16 To make a contribution towards this end requires not only knowledge of alternatives and commitment to putting them into practice but also an understanding of how social policy is made and implemented .
17 Looked at in this way theory then becomes the ordering of facts and findings in a meaningful way and this ordering and building up is of the very essence of scientific enquiry , since without ordering facts and without putting them into some systematic framework there can be no generalizations and no predictions .
18 Increasingly she felt , without putting it into so many words , that all she wanted was to read , to paint , and to make her father into that person she had seen with the Princesse : a light , carefree , witty , happy Jacob .
19 If the threat of ( big ) wars is small , it will make sense to spend more of that money researching and developing weapons and less on putting them into full-scale production — or on training and feeding expensive troops .
20 And who is responsible for putting her into this position ?
21 If some of the ideas in this book have been new to you , you may be full of enthusiasm for putting them into practice .
22 Words are essential tools for formulating and communicating thoughts , and also for putting them into the storage of memory , but words can also become snares , decoys or straight jackets .
23 We should n't be bashed for putting it into a sale ; we help to bring it to a resolution by bringing out it into the open ’ .
24 On a simple view , the Treasury , as a government department , formulates the financial policy which it wishes to see pursued and the Bank of England decides upon the appropriate technical means of carrying out that policy and is responsible for putting it into effect .
25 The key is to start with something simple ; 95 per cent of the decisions you make are unconscious — for example , when you drive a car you never really think about putting it into first or second gear .
26 Rather than try to disentangle the scores of relationships examined between animals and plants in this area by putting them into categories of predation or dispersal mechanism , an attempt is made to look at the relationships of particular taxonomic groups of animals and their food plants .
27 In fact , if glass is prevented from cracking in tension , say by putting it into compression , then it is quite easy to get it to flow like a soft solid ; for instance , glass will behave like putty under the blunt point of a diamond indenter but the shear stresses required to cause flow are well above the normally observed fracture stresses — in common glasses at room temperature usually above 500,000 p.s.i .
28 ‘ Hope that you 'll finally understand what I 've been trying to let you know over the past few days without frightening you away by putting it into words .
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