Example sentences of "[prep] my [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Eight 's , eight 's about my highest I 've got .
2 You need n't worry about my visiting you again either .
3 I got it for my eighteenth you see .
4 I think I will be a very unconventional mother , and having two daughters of my own I am appalled by the cost that this is going to erm
5 a room of my own I think it was , it
6 But all through my twenties and into my thirties I swore quite testily that I would never have children .
7 It seemed to take a long time to reach the end of the wall and I was about to turn right towards the door of the farm kitchen when from my left I heard the sudden rattle of a chain then a roaring creature launched itself at me , bayed once , mightily , into my face and was gone .
8 In my prime I shifted my weight onto the front foot as the bowler approached the crease , being careful though not to commit myself to the front foot .
9 Why I 'm very positive about this I am a rheumatoid arthritis person , have been since I oh I do n't know happen to be in my fifties I think .
10 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
11 ‘ Added to my millions it bonds us into a formidable team . ’
12 I 've just been told er to my right it 's a very large sheep .
13 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
14 To my left I saw the long purple curtains twitch in the window and for a moment I thought it was her just making sure I 'd gone .
15 When I glance to my left I see why .
16 All of a sudden I was awoken by the sound of a buzzer to my right going faster and faster and bearing in mind Rick was to my left it could be only one thing , the cat rod was away !
17 Although er er physically on my right I I think their policies , in so far as I glean they have any , er are most definitely far from the right .
18 When I told her I was longing to start up on my own she suggested I should take advantage of some of the outhouses — convert them into surgery , waiting-room , office et cetera — and have several rooms in the house for myself .
19 ‘ When I work on my own it 's more like painting , because I 've got a canvas there and it 's an intuitive thing .
20 If I was in a bad mood or something and I wanted to be on my own it would be , ‘ Ah , have you had an argument with the girlfriend ?
21 When I first set up home on my own I had so many bits of ill-assorted furniture that various friends and relatives had given me , that it was difficult to ever imagine having a beautiful home .
22 Looking at the way other people did it and sort of experimenting on my own I came up with a combination that worked .
23 You know I was completely on my own I , I 'd got to make my own decisions .
24 Irina is right to say that when I lived on my own I was a lonely man .
25 After one day on my own I am put back on trainee status .
26 Yes , yes , it does n't compete with the fireplace , we have a , a , er mock fire in there you know , normally in the winter that , that 's on and it looks , it 's very realistic , it almost looks as if it is a fire glowing all the time cos there 's a rotary spinner in it and it flickers , er , and er the room is very warm because it 's central heated anyway and , no I would n't say , it never bothers me the television , I do n't suppose that er , if I were left on my own I 'd hardly have it left on you know I think men watch television more than women .
27 The first day I could walk on my own I walked out .
28 And the thing is with my kids , if I was in the car on my own I could imagine chatting away
29 Ooh I thought he was going to , ooh I felt made me go cold and I I thought if , if I had n't been here on my own I 'd have been very tempted to go round and and say is there anything I can do .
30 you know , but I 'm there on my own I can pot do my hair , do what I wan na do go up the stairs , have a bath , you know , just do what I , drop my clothes where I wan na drop them and everything .
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