Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only option , as far as the doctor was concerned , was to get him into the local hospital where he would be well looked after and out of sight for the time being .
2 Once Sheila was securely set towards the civil service as well , as if out of weakness or guilt Moran began courting her with vague , tentative offers ; if she were desperate to go to university they could still look into ways of how it could be managed and they would try to manage it somehow no matter how hard it was .
3 He went out of the room , into the corridor and into his room and there he stood with his back to the door , his mouth wide , gasping at the air , still in fright , yet knowing that in some way he had emerged as if out of a deep canyon .
4 Not as if they were in pain but very quietly and evenly , as if out of some dreadful and hopeless despair .
5 It was not , you went on thinking , knowing vaguely about butterflies , a future barred to the wrinkled and whitish corpses on your plate , tinged with green as if out of obedience to your grandmother 's convictions they had surrendered their essences to the cabbage .
6 Thus a field can influence another field and nothing is transferred into or out through the cell membrane .
7 Modern gliders usually have spring-loaded caps which are pulled down firmly to prevent air leaking into or out of the wing .
8 Would it have been easier if she had n't seen Lucy almost every day for four years going into or out of the office next door ?
9 We can offer a one-carrier service into or out of Europe or through the EC to the rest of the world .
10 More difficult illusions require the subject to hallucinate objects or people into or out of existence with his eyes open .
11 In fact some of them swore that they saw a phantom train roaring into or out of Box Hill Tunnel ; of course the sceptics laughed their heads off at such a far-fetched tale but the more psychic were inclined to accept the men 's story .
12 A Bowser portable tank and pump for pumping petrol either into or out of a car .
13 A popular shift for returning district nurses is the twilight shift — assisting patients into or out of bed — although this may not be what you want for the rest of your life .
14 Final pay schemes can be contracted into or out of SERPS .
15 Results would be more reliable where there was only a small drift into or out of the area .
16 Especially the zoom feature — utilised when casting a spell — or when an attacker walks into or out of the screen .
17 The management of the economy through fiscal policy is assisted by the multiplier which magnifies any injection of expenditures or leakages of income into or out of the circular flow .
18 The resistances can be switched into or out of the circuit according to the phase current required .
19 ‘ Say Markham is paying Wheeler or Wheeler is paying Markham for services rendered and say Paul was implicated either way , might not Rosamund know about it , if it involved money going into or out of any of Wheeler 's accounts ? ’
20 In the jargon of finance an annuity is just a regular flow of cash into or out of an account .
21 any passenger travelling in or getting into or out of your car and
22 happened when travelling in , or getting into or out of , any other car .
23 any passenger travelling in or getting into or out of your car and
24 happened when travelling in , or getting into or out of , any other car .
25 any passenger travelling in or getting into or out of your car and
26 any passenger travelling in or getting into or out of your car and
27 Nothing was passing into or out of the city .
28 They would not normally have dreamed of attempting to get him into or out of the house except under cover of darkness ; but now there was no certainty that they would have even one night of grace .
29 Transfer into or out of these honours courses is possible up to the end of second year , provided suitable subjects have been studied .
30 Cell plasma membranes contain a variety of transport systems that carry acid or base into or out of the cell .
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