Example sentences of "[prep] [art] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These words sum up her intention and feelings , expressing the result of two years of preparation for a show that came to mean so much for the many artists participating in the event .
2 This preference is shown up in growing governmental preference for the many variants of NFI , in which a local enterprise associates with a foreign partner ( or sometimes with two as in Brazil where Tintas Renas teamed up with both ICI and Dupont to produce paint for the local market ) .
3 Also to you — the readers — for buying my first book , and for the many letters I received , mainly nostalgic .
4 Women also created important opportunities for the many tasks of childcare to be handled through routines ( see page 36 ) , another example where what is good for the child can be good for the parent .
5 Jack and I have known God 's strength and grace for the many tasks we have been involved in as Crossroads staff , and for Jack the difference is that we work a six and sometimes seven day week and we 're open for business outside office hours !
6 After carrying out her duties as a home help in the Fermanagh village of Tempo she slips into her unpaid role as she cooks , cares , does the shopping and provides transport for the many village people who have come to depend on her selfless efforts .
7 And besides , there was soon a property wagon and two more sleeping wagons for the many members of the wealthy company .
8 This show will be a revelation for the many Americans who are too young to have seen the major survey mounted by Wildenstein in New York in 1949 .
9 These discoveries have a bittersweet taste for the many mothers who have been told by their doctors that they themselves were at the root of such problems — because they were over-anxious , inexperienced , nervy , overindulgent or whatever .
10 When building work was booming , contractors were able to allow , in their tenders , for the many problems which always arose and added to their costs .
11 In Florida , the Caribbean , Queensland , and South East Asia they may be extremely extensive , and are important not only for the huge variety of life within them crabs , spiders , molluscs — but also for the many creatures that visit them for food ( herons , egrets ) and which breed in the shelter they provide .
12 This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especially the " clone " importers who affix their own name to the equipment .
13 Behaviour within the system 's context may be more easily observable and may account for the many user studies which persist in observing users in terms of the information system and not in terms of the user .
14 Applications are processed , predominantly on the basis of tape exchange with PCAS , and visits and interviews are arranged , using subsystems to record the details , to print checklists for the many interviewers involved , and to print personalized labels for visitor/ interviewee information packs .
15 The Union organises meetings of its members , presents a comprehensive entertainments programme on all sites , and provides funds for the many clubs and societies in the University , as well as offering a wide range of services to students .
16 The village and coastline have an air of sadness because of the many ruined crofts facing the water , but there is hospitality for the many visitors .
17 Now it should be re-named the ‘ Oil City ’ , since its shops and industries are booming as the main base for the many services supplying the oil wells of the North Sea and their workers .
18 This area of the holiday business is a growth area — which is good news for the many scholars who would formerly have worked only for universities and can now supplement their incomes as tour guides .
19 Although the initial allocation of function and content to some packages will be necessarily vague , their very existence nevertheless provides an invaluable framework for the many specialists working on the project .
20 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
21 Specifiedly general objects , such as forms and universals , by their very nature stand for the many things which are instances of them : a single particular may be in a variety of relations — most obviously causal , spatial or temporal - to others , but the nature of a ‘ standing for ’ relation is obscure .
22 As a meeting point for the many cultures that make up modern Spain , Madrid is a bustling city in the middle of the central plain known as the Meseta .
23 The local transmissions of the External Service were for the many expatriates working in the country who understood little or no Swahili .
24 Cheers ( Channel 4 ) CHEERS and thank you for the many memories .
25 Physical mobility is essential for the many activities aimed at maintaining safety , whether at home , at work , at play or while travelling .
26 The former road turns beyond the lane junction and crosses the valley to Morvich , a farming settlement in lovely surroundings with accommodation and camping for the many walkers who find this a convenient base for their mountain expeditions .
27 Let us give thanks for the many people throughout history who have dedicated their lives to working for peace and justice .
28 It is also , for the many people who feel , as I do , that Sigmund Freud 's influence on psychiatry has been generally damaging , a rich source of Schadenfreude .
29 Pray for the many people who will spend today alone
30 The message from gays and lesbians living in rural Ireland was one of a sense of isolation which might aptly be tackled through the medium of film , which has the potential to act as a focus for the many people geographically isolated and thus tongue-tied by virtue of their isolation .
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