Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Unless we understand this process we will remain as superstitious and powerless to change the world for the better as were our forebearers .
2 I know people say well oh it 's , of course it 's changed ownership , well things change ownership and it can be for the better as well for the worst ca n't it ?
3 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
4 During the initial negotiations over ECSC , the international climate changed for the worse as conflict broke out in Korea in June 1950 .
5 There are almost as many varieties of holidays available for the disabled as for able-bodied people .
6 When the younger counsellor shares these experiences with the older counsellee they are both doing far more than embarking on a process of recalling the past , they are sharing a common heritage which has been formative for the young as well as the old , although less directly so .
7 Malcolmson has shown that fairs had special significance in terms of courtship and sexual activity for the young as well as allowing participants the chance of winning status and prestige among their peers .
8 Sexuality , for the celibate as well , remains a wonderful gift of God , given because he loves us so. ,
9 A case can be made here , for the latter as scenes of a " life-cycle " , spaced between the seasons of the year and followed by the ultimate triumph over death ( signified by ?
10 A similar relative price term may affect the demand for the good as well : if demanders feel that the price of the good is high relative to its likely future value , they may well delay purchases until the price is lower .
11 Her slogan is : ‘ we aim to create the arts as a service for the many as opposed to a luxury for the few ’ .
12 It 's a well-known therapy in places like mental hospitals and prisons and has a place for the elderly as well .
13 This comparative study of five representative prisons for adult males in one region of the prison system , seeks to provide benchmarks for the 1980's as to how far humane containment is achieved in the context of maintaining security and control .
14 It also rejected worship of the saints and relics , pilgrimages , indulgences , and masses for the dead as futile attempts to purge the sins of the deceased or pile up merit for the living .
15 The incidence of a tax measures the final tax burden on different people once we have allowed for the indirect as well as the direct effects of the tax .
16 Demands for licences grew steadily during the fourteenth century , but endowment of the religious orders never regained its earlier level , and alienations were increasingly directed to the establishment of chantries and secular institutions ; by mid-century almost as many licences were for the secular as for the religious churches , but this has more to do with declining enthusiasm for the vastly endowed monastic orders and the growing popular appeal of the mendicants who lived from alms , and not from farming extensive estates .
17 The IBM concurrent copy , sequential data striping , enhanced dynamic cache management and search assist will be available for the 7980-3 as well as the 7690 in the first quarter 1994 .
18 There was no rest for the wicked as John Gribbin told New Scientist 's readers that the results of a Chinese study of the alignment of the planets meant we were in for years of terrible weather .
19 There were increasing demands for a national policy for the unemployed as distinct from central support of local efforts .
20 It was also said that good motivation alone was not enough for the unemployed as training was necessary , however determined a person was to obtain employment .
21 The analysts therefore need a ‘ feel ’ for the informal as well as the formal system .
22 There is nothing as joyful for the opinionated as to have finally been proved right and I ca n't help but think there are many marginally employed musicians around Ireland today who weep or harrumph glumly into their pints when they think what might have happened if they 'd listened to Nicky .
23 Although it took so long finally to dispose of the machinery and tanks , other material was removed from the incline during the 1920's as uses for it were found .
24 As a result , the USA suffered a net outflow of gold in every year but one during the 1960s as pressure of the kind described by Triffin built up .
25 R. Rhodes , ( 1984 , p. 355 ) , observing the increased assertiveness of the Thatcher government , has characterized the changes in relationship between central and local government during the 1970s as shifting from bargaining through incorporation to direction and centralization in the 1980s .
26 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
27 The importance of the Leicestershire coalfield declined during the 1980s as seams gradually became worked out , but new opencast sites continued to provide useful revenue for BR .
28 This new ‘ philosophy ’ , enshrined in the 1980 Act , was to lead to increasing central-local tensions during the 1980s as central government sought to impose , and reinforce where necessary , controls over the expenditure of individual local authorities .
29 They provide about 80 per cent of total lending for private house purchase , though this figure has fluctuated during the 1980s as banks entered , retreated from and then re-entered the mortgage market .
30 The policies of the Fabians were described by Beatrice Webb during the 1890s as ‘ essentially collective ownership wherever practicable ; collective regulation everywhere else ; collective provision according to need for all the impotent and sufferers ; and collective taxation in proportion to wealth ’ .
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