Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] as the " in BNC.

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1 In the highly oxygenated water below a weir swim the little fish not known for nothing as the ‘ miller 's thumb ’ : the flattened head of the fish was often compared with the thumb of the miller , worn it was said from testing the flour .
2 This model has been contrasted with the clinical model by referring to the difference between them as the difference between a travel companion ( clinical ) and a travel agent ( administrative ) .
3 People thus switch between them as the balance of advantage changes .
4 George Albert Smith was later of course erm to come on and make a big name , a world name for himself as the inventor of the first colour process , a very simple , two-colour process , but it was invented by him in Brighton , and it was the first world colour process .
5 ‘ Just think of me as the Ghost of Cameron Yet to Come … ’
6 Soon after he had taken me under his ample wing he had remarked , ‘ Think of me as the Brahmin of the Banal !
7 And if I speak a bit plain … just think of me as the woman who gave up everything to save you girls from their worst dangers Dear sisters there is not one of us ladies … who wo n't tell you that we have learnt our most precious lessons of faith … and patience , and self-sacrifice and contentedness under trials from you .
8 Earning money was rated more highly by students wanting to work in legal services than by the average student and London is selected by 59 per cent of them as the region they would most like to work in .
9 But although it was Tip 's and Arnold 's maiden success , it does not rate as highly with either of them as the victory at Troon the following year .
10 The gardens of the Manor Road houses went through to one side of Fair View Road and my cousin pointed out a Nissen Hut in one of them as the garage rented by Mr. Rogers where the fateful taxi had been kept .
11 I think of them as the sea-bird equivalent of a peregrine or other member of the falcon family .
12 Given that the men in our sample spend an average of more than 43 hours a week at work ( ie half their waking life ) , it 's hardly surprising that job satisfaction is the one factor mentioned by more than half of them as the most important thing in their lives ( see table , opposite page ) .
13 we like to think of them as the high-speed , high-performance loans .
14 Herakleides goes on to speak of them as the king 's ‘ fellow-diners ’ .
15 These were Clione , and I cam to think of them as the party animals , always feasting and fighting and mating .
16 Equally , it is not uncommon to find such introductions or extensions of temporary working labelled by those who are critical of them as the introduction or extension of " casualisation " ( see , for instance , the report of a motion passed at the 1986 conference of the engineering workers union ( AUEW ) which " attacked the greater use of casual workers by employers " in Financial Times , 23/4/86 ) .
17 In fact , the four cooking apples should have been five , but our continuing cashflow problems meant I had to disguise one of them as the reserve match ball .
18 They came in to land in a snowscape , the lights along the thin ribbon of recently cleared runway coming into view and stretching out in front of them as the Seneca descended on its final approach .
19 You can think of them as the wires leading from a bank of three million photocells ( actually three million relay stations gathering information from an even larger number of photocells ) to the computer that is to process the information in the brain .
20 We who are brought together by such an obscene act , like to think of ourselves as the vast majority .
21 As it unfurls the panoramic vistas of past periods and epochs within the European cultural tradition , history builds a view of ourselves as the inevitable continuation and culmination of everything that has gone before .
22 By fostering an image of himself as the inheritor of Charlemagne 's empire , he did much to create that image of Charlemagne which dominated the later middle ages .
23 For instance , though he has always been supremely competent at wrestling the best contracts out of his teams , I do n't think his real interest lay in the money itself , but in the definition of himself as the best in the world and therefore entitled to the best treatment and the most money .
24 When giving interviews to the press Hauser liked to paint a picture of himself as the company 's father figure .
25 All the same it is extraordinary to find the Roman Church ( 1 ) acquiescing in Constantine 's total indifference to Jesus ; ( 2 ) deferring to Constantine 's presentation of himself as the Messiah ; and ( 3 ) acknowledging the definition of Messiahship — that is , a military and political figure — embodied by Constantine .
26 For centuries , man has thought of himself as the most highly evolved form of life on earth , using his five senses to build up a composite and highly complex picture of the world around him .
27 Drinks with strange women after the show fitted well into the fantasy of himself as the big West End star that the night 's performance had engendered .
28 It was a delicate moment for Franco , who had so closely linked the legitimacy of his power to his presentation of himself as the defender of the Catholic faith .
29 Do you know , when you were little , darling , I used to think of you as the family barometer .
30 One note of warning : Do n't let your colleagues go on thinking of you as the former messenger once you graduate to production .
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