Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] can [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Well , most obviously I have learnt that what is good for me can not necessarily be applied to everyone , although I still tend to dish out unsolicited advice .
2 The machines in the spring department gave off choking fumes and a grey pall seemed to hang over the department … about 90 per cent of the work force are coloured , many of whom can not speak English .
3 We have all had these emotions but when they reach such a pitch that our suppression of them can not cope , we explode , turning against whoever or whatever is in our way in an attempt to destroy it .
4 Again , it has been held that the Prison rules are merely ‘ regulatory ’ and that breach of them can not give rise to a cause of action for damages although it may found an application for judicial review .
5 ‘ A lot of them can not come to us , because we are near the projects .
6 It is one of the great drawbacks of much ‘ popular ’ social writing in newspapers and magazines that statements are made , the validity of which can not be accepted without more evidence .
7 Therefore its ‘ laws ’ of regulation and equilibrium only emerge as the result of a myriad of private actions , the results of which can not be foreseen .
8 those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can not be limited as required by this Protocol ; and consequently , in each such case , are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction .
9 Shaking our heads in grateful disbelief to the darkness of a deserted car park , the empty witness of which can not prevail against us , whose minds have been imprinted thus .
10 The EC is financed by tariffs and levies , the total yield of which can not currently exceed 1.2% of the EC 's GNP .
11 The second type ( 2b ) consists of lexical sets , the membership of which can not be reliably predicted on phonological grounds alone , and this type is additional to the types of variable that were studied by Labov ( 1966 ) in New York City ( these were types 1 and 2a ) .
12 It is not just the lies about the life , some of which can not now be disbelieved .
13 In this way change is seen as a developing social process the repercussions of which can not be completely forecast .
14 He can imagine a variety of possible discontinuities , as I have done here , and he may use each of these to construct an alternative scenario ; but this by no means exhausts the possible discontinuities , most of which can not even be conceived at the moment .
15 The poetic work too should be viewed as a ‘ functional structure ’ ( p.46 ) , the different elements of which can not be understood except in their connections with the whole .
16 Jennett argues that " most patients who now reach hospitals have progressive disease , the ultimate outcome of which can not be influenced " ( Jennett 1986 : 4 ) .
17 Neil Davidson , counsel for the Deans , said they denied allegations levelled at them by the shareholders , many of which can not be reported because of restrictions imposed by Lord Cullen .
18 In many situations laws which violate human rights and oppress the population or sections of it can not be broken without endangering the stability or even the very survival of relatively just institutions .
19 Although there is enough food there to feed 800,000 starving people for one month , most of it can not get through because of looters and bandits .
20 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
21 ln that case the last clause — ‘ in that land were we born ’ — is no patriotic bugle-note , but rather a flat acknowledgement of what can not be helped .
22 A very good example of what can not be achieved by severance is found in Baker v Hedgecock ( 1888 ) 39 Ch D 520 .
23 In at least one pub ( and if there is one , there will be more ) 4p has been added to the cost of what can not be far off being a 0.57 litre please landlord .
24 And yet the truth is , we accept persons such as Mr Marshall or Mr Lane to be great , though most of us can not claim to have ever scrutinized them under such conditions .
25 In the end you have to become part of the establishment , Gareth , but never let them remove or circumscribe your right of free speech ; you use it too well and the rest of us can not do without it .
26 If the rest of us can not beat the gangsters , we may well be tempted to join them .
27 Then cut it up , I do n't know you can not loo go through you can not go through those !
28 But parents like me can not afford to ignore them , even to permit Dr Oliver to find a totally ideologically sound approach to alleviating disability .
29 A house divided against itself can not stand …
30 Judgment against him can not be obtained by default ( Ord 12 , r 2 ) ; but , if he does not appear at the hearing of the action he is deemed to admit the notice and is bound by any judgment , even if by consent ( Ord 12 , r 3(3) ) .
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