Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In the second case the sizes of the beads and the holes through them can vary .
2 A family member who is addicted to " fixing " others and being a caretaker for them can hinder the chances or primary sufferers finding progress or recovery for themselves .
3 At the early end of parenting women can spend literally years in a state of near exhaustion , which for them can make sexual relations very unattractive .
4 That children who experience a level of difficulty in learning significant enough for a Record of Needs to have been opened up for them can learn a foreign language within a special school setting .
5 The two principal isotopes of oxygen , , are chemically very nearly identical , but modest fractionation between them can occur when oxygen is partitioned between phases in which it is bound in very different ways .
6 CONGRATULATIONS to the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , for proving the law that if one department is capable of one stupid press release , two between them can raise the stupidity by an order of magnitude .
7 In considering the issue of legitimacy in relation to our constitutional arrangements and the exercise of governmental power , what has to be done is to examine a range of practices , decisions , actions ( and non-practices , -decisions and -actions ) statements and policies which between them can amount to a portrait of power , so that we can form a judgment or an assessment of that power set against the principles of limited government outlined and discussed so far .
8 We have a problem that a lot of youngsters such as ourselves can relate to .
9 ‘ If that 's all you 're worried about I can explain simply enough . ’
10 There are also probably around 400,000 Vietnamese civilians settled in Kampuchea , many of whom can double as fighters .
11 Suppose we have M individuals , each of whom can perform any of M tasks .
12 Although there is no animosity between the players , most of whom can see the benefits of joining forces , there remains a strong rivalry between those few people in either camp who have resisted amalgamation .
13 There is a captive audience , most of whom can understand the relevance of the message , and many are prepared to participate as they await their flight .
14 Oh look it 's one of these that 's nice because you can just sort of nothing can come in behind you and that sort of thing .
15 And the strongest of them can kick twice , not just 300 metres from the line but again at ten metres .
16 Yet many of them come to terms with it magnificently , trying so hard not to add their pain to that of their children , in a situation that sometimes neither of them can alter .
17 The crackling of a fire , the dawn chorus of the birds , the sound of waves upon the shore ; most of these go unnoticed and yet each of them can give a great deal of pleasure if we could only learn to become aware of them .
18 But it 's the same as England , really ; some of them can handle me and some of them ca n't .
19 Two hundred pounds a week , some of them can earn . ’
20 In a normal conversation , the people involved are of equal status , and any one of them can change the topic under discussion or introduce new points .
21 The conditions for perfect competition are that : ( a ) there should be many small firms producing identical products ( so that no individual firm can influence the price of the product or the wage rate ) ; ( b ) there should be many individual workers ( so that no one of them can influence the wage rate ) ; ( c ) there should be perfect mobility of all factors of production ; ( d ) all labour and jobs should be homogeneous ; ( e ) there should be perfect information on the part of all buyers and sellers ; ( f ) wages and prices should be perfectly flexible , upwards and downwards .
22 But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director .
23 This tragic game can go on for the rest of their lives or one of them can decide enough is enough and withdraw .
24 Seven of them use wheelchairs and so staff need to raise an extra £4,000 so twelve of them can accompany the residents , who are paying their own way .
25 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
26 Which proves my point about teachers ; even the best of them can go completely over the top , for no reason whatsoever .
27 A defect in any of them can disturb the balance of the whole system , and the use of the right drug to restore balance had evident possibilities , if the right drugs could be discovered or invented .
28 The final plan , as it is adapted and developed by Lorestan , has less of a boy 's melodrama in it but it is the Rat 's plan , and it is the Rat who advises Marco to pose as a poor , insignificant boy so that the two of them can reach Samavia without attracting attention .
29 But neither of them can match the pungency of the original , an atmosphere of beaujolais , cigars and malevolence , and of political or legal plots being brewed in the all-night brasseries of Les Halles .
30 What baffles me is how few of them can spell .
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