Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] which [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 At first she and Ernest had been completely mystified , for how could some solicitors they had never met have any news for them which would be ‘ to their advantage ’ ?
2 The present stance involves banning the people of the province from its ranks yet drawing up policies for them which will radically affect their lives .
3 The reforms which might be expected from this theoretical starting-point are moves towards market mechanisms or some surrogate for them which can be used both to influence the behaviour of bureaucrats by giving them a different set of incentives , and to increase the range of choice available to the consumers of public — in this case particularly local government — services .
4 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
5 Then you can write a piece for me which will point out the problems , without declaring that they are insoluble short of a social revolution .
6 ( a ) Where there has been oppressive , arbitrary or unconstitutional action by the servants of the government , or ( b ) Where the defendant 's conduct has been calculated by him to make a profit for himself which might exceed the compensation otherwise payable .
7 But they reaped no advantage ; there was nothing moving towards them which could be deemed to be a consideration , with the result that the case is one in which the contract is made , but remains unenforceable in law … .
8 For it would encourage a reliance on schematic knowledge and a corresponding avoidance of an engagement with the systemic features of the foreign language , or at best a tactical use of them which would not lead to their internalization as a more general strategic resource .
9 We see our own dissatisfactions , our own pointless , unfocused longings in her and we are forced , because we are shown the terrible thing that happens to her , to question aspects of ourselves which might otherwise remain unexamined .
10 To a point that is true , but often that effort results in an over-exertion of ourselves which can leave us fatigued and exhausted .
11 And so he represses the part of himself which used to cry for the moon .
12 He played that aspect of himself which could well have been in a war — after all he had trained long enough for it — and the result was the sort of performance he was to deliver several times in his film career and none the worse for that : professional , convincing .
13 Because occupants can not be trusted to conserve fuel , liberties of theirs which may be infringed against by centralisation of control are dismissible since they are liberties to do mischief .
14 That term was automatically held to be satisfied when the effects on the interests of the individual were felt to be serious enough to warrant procedural protection , and this was so whether the context was deprivation of an office , expulsion from a trade association , the destruction of one 's property , or the loss of something which would juridically be called a privilege .
15 He noted that the Canberra meeting ‘ is the start of something which could grow into a very significant development not only for the region but for the global economy . ’
16 In future , it recommended the construction of something which could be transported to several shows .
17 The knowledge or vision of something which will occur in the future .
18 And so you need to think of something which will actually keep people listening .
19 He is unable to ‘ switch off ’ his analytic mind , for he becomes possessed of something which can best be described as ‘ special knowledge ’ .
20 It horrified Brian to think of Celia hypnotised by some guru who would try to drag things out of her which might not even have been correct .
21 Rowden is a fine school and it 'll give him plenty of sports and develop a side of him which could never see the light of day in Ireland .
22 Second , the student wanted to appeal to the rational side of John , to that side of him which could see the futility of his actions .
23 As he held her she seemed to swell , as if another skin , another body , more calm and perfect than the one she had , grew out of her as token for that love of him which could in looks and words show itself so inadequately .
24 Take the paragraph on p. 73 beginning " On the whole … " , underline all parts of it which might be considered not to belong to standard academic register and explain why , and rewrite the paragraph in academic register .
25 To the linguist , it is clear at once that she has not really managed to speak JC , she has just made an imitation of it which might fool people not really familiar with that language .
26 She agreed with Gilbert that the souls of the dead are in the hand of God and , as for herself , she was persuaded that there is nothing in this world or out of it which can separate us from the love of God .
27 A basic interest in questions about the meaning and purpose of life ( a ) to challenge secularist assumptions and to appreciate that religious truth-claims can not be easily dismissed ; ( b ) to understand what is distinctive about religion , that is , what it essentially concerns , and be able to distinguish between that and features of it which can vary and perhaps be dispensed with altogether ; ( c ) to realize in particular in how many different ways religion can masquerade as something else , and fail to be what it claims to be ; ( d ) to appreciate the highly controversial nature of religion and of almost everything that is said about it by anyone , whether religious or not ; ( e ) to have a firm grasp of criteria by which to evaluate precise examples and manifestations of religion in practice ; ( f ) to appreciate the force of the question-mark with regard to the ultimate divide between religion and non-religion , and to appreciate the reality of the dilemma , and the ways in which religion needs to be questioned for its failures , negative attitudes , hypocrisy and externalism .
28 So you 'll get a big erm warehouse erm which may be typically erm computer controlled , retrieval systems , storage , inventory , stock control and all the rest of it which will employ a certain number of people .
29 You are strictly to forbid them to deprive us of anything which ought of right to belong to us .
30 The local authority committee member tends to go in dread of anything which may scandalise the electorate , voluntary organisations look to the man in the street for approval and funding .
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