Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] go [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , now if by any chanc chance you do have a question in the exam where you 're asked you know instead of the wound being on top of the scalp , some clever so and so decides that you 're good at improvising and you 've got a wound over the top of the eyebrow , the eyebrow 's split , okay , so there would n't be much good of me going a minute , pull that there , trying like this round there
2 Most of them go every day . "
3 But here there was no statutory authority , and although there were several paths that seemed to lead to a solution , none of them went the whole way .
4 A friend of mine goes every year to the Mozart Festival in Vienna , it is her greatest pleasure .
5 By 1935 the infamous Nuremberg laws which deprived Jews of their citizenship had been effected ; with them went the boycotting of their businesses , their harassment in public places ( such as education and law ) , and the first signs of ultimate horror — the moves to be rid of them completely .
6 The reasons for violence were disappearing and with them went the appeal of films like Drive , He Said .
7 Along with them went the baggage of impartiality , high quality , good taste and decency .
8 Its entrepreneurs ranged the globe and with them went the cadre of ( mostly British and Irish ) foremen , skilled workers and elite labour ; sometimes settling down in some foreign country for good , their children becoming the Anglo-Argentines of the next generation , sometimes moving from country to country like the much less numerous oilmen of our days .
9 Nevertheless , the Mediterranean world had found a common language , and with it went a literature which was uniquely open to all sorts of problems , debates and emotions .
10 The composition of the crowd altered and with it went the surveillance and supervision of the young .
11 By this time chartism had been dismantled ; with it went the first , and arguably last voice of mass working-class opposition to the state , and Britain entered into a relatively stable period of economic progress within a successfully reconstructed hegemony .
12 With it went the need to govern and administer lands thus acquired , and the demand that the inhabitants of those lands should recognise the legitimacy of English rule by taking an oath of allegiance to Henry .
13 She released her breath , and with it went the tension her body had been locked in .
14 Although Evil has now been banished , paradoxically , with it goes a lot of beauty .
15 With it goes the heat of another drama , seeping into the soil like the rain .
16 At least one of them will have the whippier shaft which , I suspect , might in itself go a long way to doing the trick . ’
17 Achmore is entered and from it goes a narrow road to Plockton and Kyle of Lochalsh on a journey of sustained delight .
18 Do you in it go a little further in exploring the criteria which should govern who does what ?
19 The document before us goes a long way towards providing for the independence of the monetary institution , which will be a crucial element in the success of a single currency .
20 On a tie-break ( Peter had Wales to win by four points ) victory went to the Mailman and to him goes the Tipster Trophy plus a cash prize of £500 .
21 Over it go a continuous stream of goods wagons carrying arms , ammunition , and supplies to the BEF .
22 Next to it goes a soft touch 6a , Cocoluche , which has an easily avoidable 6b section .
23 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
24 They 'll wait till something goes a bit funny in your accounts then they 'll say right , we want to do this .
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