Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 I considered keeping observation actually on the flat but because of its its location , did not feel that it would be possible for armed officers or for that matter , any officer , to maintain observation for any period of time without being seen .
2 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
3 These provide a sustained steam of energy during the prolonged physical exertion required for professional cycling or tennis .
4 ( Often refers to persons in the age group between puberty and young adulthood , that is about 14–17 years or some similar period in the teens ; the limits of which depend on the timing of puberty and adulthood in a particular population ) .
5 abnormal reactions to the senses , such as loud sounds or visual images .
6 They can only succeed with the help either of opportunistic flights of fancy such as inherent value or theos rights , or by otherwise obscuring the differences between creatures like ourselves , who use language , and those that do not .
7 However , as a matter of principle and good airmanship , at least one full wing-span of clearance should always be left to allow for inadvertent drifting or swinging during landings .
8 There is a general assumption that degreasers are less aggressive products , based either on a glycol ether or sodium metasilicate , but some manufacturers apply the description to highly caustic products that would be more appropriately defined as caustic cleaners or decarbonisers .
9 ‘ And nobody 's slept in them for fifty years or more !
10 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
11 what 's harder I wonder swimming , cycling and running for fifty miles or driving a racing car at top speed …
12 National Greyhound Racing Club chief stipendiary steward Frank Melville refused to name the substances administered to the greyhounds , but added : ‘ They would not have got there through normal food or drink . ’
13 Individuals who were expelled for political activity or failure to meet the fees — or simply for poor examination results — were given additional grounds for grievance , while the punishment of an entire college tended to strengthen student esprit de corps .
14 In an appeal to exiles to return to Togo to " contribute their quota to the construction of their country " , he offered a " general amnesty to all those who were sentenced for political offences or plots against the nation " .
15 Senior Soviet officials stressed that the patrols were an emergency measure decided in the face of the soaring crime rate , and denied that they would be used for political ends or would violate human rights .
16 After the couple 's victory this week Yeo said : ‘ There is no room for political correctness or ideology in fostering .
17 One of the two remaining ferry boats would be kept as a stand-by vessel and the other would be stripped of its engine and berthed at Canning Dock for possible shopping or leisure purposes .
18 More complex techniques have been developed for approximate string matching , allowing for possible spelling or recognition errors in the input word ( Hall and Dowling , 1980 ; Kashyap and Oommen , 1984 ) .
19 The results would not only set the baseline against which the effectiveness of the LURG could be measured , but would also provide fuel for debate , identify educational needs and suggest areas for possible research or development .
20 The isotopes give off long-lasting alpha radiation and the waste will remain dangerous for 3000 years or more .
21 First , there are disputes between private individuals or organizations .
22 A selection of fine-tipped artist brushes is invaluable for painting icing and marzipan with food colouring , and can be used for delicate detailing such as facial features or modelled figures and other objects , and for large-scale washed effects .
23 Injection of other substances , such as specific enzymes or enzyme inhibitors , may also be useful in assessing the importance of particular molecules in various morphogenetic or differentiation events .
24 And — worse — how did you ever decide what you felt about that person or what she meant to you ?
25 Anyway — no second replay , no discussion about that goal or the ‘ penalty ’ .
26 Now the other thing about , about the meeting is erm , we sometimes arrange for sort of special refreshments or something different in that line , it 's at Ann 's house , erm do you want , do you want us to do anything about that Ann or ?
27 Although roof and joist problems have been temporarily solved it was decided to close the building to the public during strong winds or snowfall .
28 She had n't much stomach for torn flesh or pecked eyes streaming blood .
29 Preheat the oven to 180 C/350 F/Gas Mark 4 and cook for 30–45 minutes or until the potatoes are soft .
30 If a defendant fulfils the requirements for the offence of rape or buggery but failed to achieve penetration , liability for attempted rape or attempted buggery may be possible .
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