Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is an excellent product for producing long documents ; books , manuals , reports , etc , where there is a rigid structure .
2 It 's a great way for producing long banners or waste paper but And if you wan na actually reverse this process alt M takes it back the other way .
3 Walter Sisulu and Govan Mbeki , Mandela 's veteran prison companions who had been released in Oct. 1989 and November 1987 respectively [ pp. 36964 ; 36074 ] after serving long prison sentences , were both re-elected to the executive , now enlarged to 34 members .
4 It is in these areas that Save The Children has consistently moved forward through developing long term strategies which are being added to and developed year after year .
5 It would not be quite true to claim that his wide experience of light music , and the strain of singing long parts , with numerous encores , throughout the week left no mark on either his style or his vocal chords ; but he can be justly likened to two other similarly popular tenors , John McCormack and Tito Schipa , in his ability to return successfully to serious music until the end of his career .
6 Moulding planes are excellent to work with , but the job of producing long lengths of moulding can be very time-consuming .
7 Recent experience of walking Long Distance Footpaths ( LDPs ) has led me to believe that there is a case for de-emphasising certain routes ( I understand that the RA currently recommends Duke of Edinburgh Award Groups to avoid the Three Peaks for example ) .
8 Myself and English , as she is taught in schools , came to a conflict and gradually to a more and more friendly agreement through the necessity of writing long letters daily to one who was neither a schoolboy nor an elder , the subject of the letters being matters concerning nobody else in the world .
9 Later in his article , he pinpoints ‘ the necessity of writing long letters daily ’ to Helen as the beginning of his departure from nature descriptions — initially written as talks to be given to the Young People 's Guild at the Unitarian chapel — or his dignified school essays .
10 They do not even have to be rocks deposited under fresh water conditions , because wood and seeds are perfectly capable of drifting long distances before becoming waterlogged enough to sink to the bottom of the sea .
11 For example , a group norm for the young men in an engineering workshop could be to follow a fashion of wearing long hair .
12 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
13 The Germans have long made a national sport of running long words together to make longer ones ; as have the Irish , eg in place names like Newtonabbey , Maguiresbridge and Patrickswell .
14 One of the problems in evaluating the changes brought about by the Conservative government since 1979 is that of disentangling long term trends from the direct effects of policy initiatives .
15 Monitoring progress towards achieving long term goals
16 Well you ca n't create stability , the Communist Party ca n't sort of I mean cos that 's what , sort of hindering long term investments and that how peasants do n't feel that how that things are secure , they and it 's difficult to see what the Communist Party could 've done
17 As has been seen with venture capital funds , there may be some evidence of difficulty of raising long term funds for under £200 000 , and a National Investment Bank may indeed fill this gap .
18 In remote parts of the world buses are often the only means of covering long distances .
19 No one should undertake this hill crossing unless they are confident of covering long distances , carrying food , clothing and other gear for several days .
20 I think that spaghetti should be thin and it may often be referred to as spaghettini — it 's much less like eating long worms !
21 ‘ I was a very pretty boy , ’ Jeffrey Bernard admits , adding that being picked up by Minton was a little like becoming Long John Silver 's parrot .
22 would be majorly responsible for getting long term results , as they would have to ensure that the area can survive independently again by building up their own food supplies through improving farming eg. better irrigation etc .
23 Heading south he got beaten up by the Miami cops for having long hair .
24 The intention to make a graphic verisimilitude of appearance has no virtue in itself , nor does it seem to me to be the most important reason for spending long hours working directly from the subject .
25 Marshall ( 1987 ) follows Mandel ( 1975 ) in relating long waves to major shifts in the wider economy , and especially to movements in the rate of profit , but goes beyond Mandel in trying to make the theory less deterministic .
26 He seems to have been an influence on Innocent and we are almost surely not far from the mark in imagining long discussions between the three on theology and politics .
27 Our success in securing long term contracts during 1992 allowed the company to increase staff training programmes and a new training centre was opened to facilitate these initiatives .
28 In order to counteract the difficulties inherent in having long gaps between training days , future plans are hinging on setting up a weekly evening course at a venue further out of London ( yet to be found , but if possible easily accessible from the M25 ) .
29 Far from spending long hours on the tiles hunting , scavenging and generally having a high old time with their pals , as tradition and practice dictate , they should be indoors tucked up .
30 The County Council believes this approach represents the most appropriate way forward in assessing long term employment land requirements .
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