Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] government [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The five 1922 executive members — George Gardiner , Sir Rhodes Boyson , Michael Lord , Ivan Lawrence , James Pawsey and John Townend — were attacked for delaying Government business through procedural points .
2 After criticising Government policy since 1979 , when the Conservatives came to power , Mr Clarke said : ‘ For John Major to claim credit for Hoover jobs staying Scotland — thanks to him opting out of the Social Chapter and keeping wages down — is a disgraceful betrayal of the Scottish workforce .
3 As this process continues , the scope for further squeezing of the wealth of households through inflation is being reduced , and , so long as the authorities rely on inflation as a method of financing government expenditure , they will be obliged constantly to speed up the rate of inflation in order to achieve the same real effect .
4 People who claim that a noisy motorway has ruined village life are planning to carry on their campaign , despite accepting government compensation .
5 In the name of balancing government spending , still heading for a deficit this year , social security and unemployment benefits were cut and eligibility requirements tightened .
6 We considered the problem of enforcing Government planning guidance .
7 Last year the party leader and son of the founder , Giorgio La Malfa , pulled the Republicans out of the coalition in protest against the old ways of doing government business .
8 They had distributed a pamphlet in support of a French language school , intending by their pamphlet to create ‘ controversy , furor and an uproar ’ as a means of precipitating government action .
9 Instead of controlling Government spending , and keeping the lid on inflation , the Labour Government borrowed more and more — increasing spending by over 12 per cent in just one year ( 1974–5 ) , and presiding over an inflationary spiral the like of which has never been recorded before or since .
10 But the second proposal seems to contemplate an expanded role for judicial review as a way of controlling government activity ; and increasing the sources of information available to the courts in the way contemplated by the first proposal might so change perceptions of the judicial role that it , too , would lead to an expanded conception of the role of judicial review .
11 After a month of putting government education ideology into practice , life in her classroom is pretty much what it always was .
12 The importance of studying government activity is on one hand methodological .
13 Corporatism in various forms has a very long history : for example , professional groups such as doctors and lawyers have regulated themselves for centuries ; indeed , voluntary self-regulation is a defining characteristic of a profession and has long been used as a way of avoiding government control .
14 I took over the chair previously occupied by Angus Maude , who since 1979 had carried out the impossible job of overseeing Government information .
15 In this vein we are seeking a mandate from you to continue after this conference in the task of monitoring government employment and training policies in the area , encouraging open debate on these policies , and publicising our findings .
16 In the United States , where many fewer industries have ever been state-owned , the shift from public to private mainly took the form of reducing government regulation of activities such as air transport ( ‘ deregulation ’ ) .
17 The Minister of State for Decentralization , Michael Sata , was dismissed for criticizing government policy .
18 The Republicans believed in keeping government expenditure as low as possible , and in cutting taxes to provide incentives for investment .
19 Although it is clear that most of these groups were not representative they were instrumental in directing government funding to projects of limited use to the majority of residents , ‘ neighbourhood stabilisation ’ apart .
20 The difficulty in cutting government expenditure
21 In more purely administrative and policy terms , the interests of different state agencies may be in conflict with each other , for example the interest of the treasury ( finance ministry ) and central bank in controlling government expenditure may , and frequently in real states does , conflict with the interests of production ministries such as industry and energy in promoting the development of their sector .
22 The basic point is that although our focus of attention is legal control of government , a proper understanding of the role of the law in controlling government activity requires attention to be paid to the total picture of public accountability .
23 This establishment regarded health and education as non-productive sectors , of concern in controlling government spending ( SCF , 1991 ; Disch , 1992 ) .
24 THE US government is barring a former Harvard Medical school investigator in heart disease from obtaining government research funds for ten years .
25 The special session announced the creation of working groups to overhaul mass organizations and to strengthen participation in the municipal and provincial people 's power system of government ; and it proposed the National Assembly of People 's Power be upgraded to play a more dynamic role in assessing government performance .
26 The purpose of this research is to analyse the role that commodity taxes ( VAT and excise duties ) can play both in raising government revenue and in redistributing income towards the poorer sections of society , taking account of the fact that households differ widely in their size and composition .
27 Laws and institutions primarily provide governments with one ( but not the only ) means for achieving such ends ; their function as tools for controlling government activity is only secondary .
28 Others have been imprisoned solely for criticising government policy or officials or for writing or shouting anti-government slogans .
29 After carefully exploring a variety of different theoretical approaches to explaining government growth , the study looked at seven different policy areas — public assistance , elementary and secondary education , higher education , environment , unemployment , libraries and fire protection — and examined who or what was important in the process of governmental growth .
30 Even allowing for the traditionally light-hearted Italian attitude toward obtaining government money , Italy 's wolves number at best only about 150 , including puppies .
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