Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] her into " in BNC.

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1 British tourist Stephen Profitt , who paid £200 for Lucky in Malta , was fined £100 yesterday for bringing her into the country without a licence .
2 Michael Burns , 31 , of Whorlton Road , Hardwick , Stockton , is accused of raping the girl after dragging her into an alleyway by the Newtown Social Club in Durham Road , Stockton .
3 He did have a habit of railroading her into things , but she knew she would be crazy to refuse .
4 He was a little tired of coaxing her into being friendly .
5 Any question of taking her into Penzance had to be abandoned and Harriet went off alone to do the weekly shopping , thankful to be able to leave Edna in charge of Celia and trying not to feel guilty that she actually preferred such expeditions without her daughter 's company .
6 The idea of making her into a museum was abandoned and instead she was turned into a Boys ' Club .
7 She only hoped he was n't titivating himself , slicking his hair and freshening his breath in the hope of talking her into bed .
8 Normally he mistrusted the use of women but he foresaw the opportunity of infiltrating her into Tweed 's company in the future .
9 Instead of lifting her into the saddle first , as he had always done before , he mounted Chalon , turned the horse in a tight circle to present its left flank to Isabel , and extended an imperative hand .
10 So much so that even when I had abandoned hopes of luring her into my narrow and uncomfortable bed , we frequently got together for a drink or a cheap meal .
11 Not only had she been unhelpful from a business point of view , but the prospects of inveigling her into his empty bed did not seem rosy .
12 In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim , the man responsible for turning her into a screen star , but that soon turned sour .
13 MRS THATCHER has cunningly provoked the Labour party and the media into pushing her into holding a general election at the best time for the Conservative party .
14 She ca n't help her personality — if she 's a shy child , then there 's no point in forcing her into situations which make her feel uncomfortable and uneasy .
15 Sondra Locke never would have made a Forces ' pin-up but that did n't deter Clint Eastwood from turning her into a star with lotsa spunk — and they were off-screen lovers — although he could have had his pick of ‘ beautiful broads ’ .
16 Had she really expected that one of Italy 's leading industrialists would not check her out before letting her into his house ?
17 She made no attempt to prevent him from taking her into his arms , gave no sign that she knew of his presence .
18 But this was the one Miss Minogue and her handlers gambled upon to turn her into a major star .
19 He knew that he was a fool not to join Simon in abusing her , in making her into a joke .
20 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
21 Claudia was greeted by concerned looks from Myra , who lost no time in following her into her office .
22 Odd how I pinned so much on getting her into bed , and when I did , after we did …
23 And who is responsible for putting her into this position ?
24 So we might say my friend Ellen Blair , or the former chairman Ellen Blair , or a nurse in the ward called Ellen Blair , giving , in some sense , ‘ credentials ’ for her existence and for her relationship to the speaker who is responsible for introducing her into the conversation .
25 He was so much better at getting her into scrapes .
26 Something between 60 and 100 MPs are eager to clip Mrs Thatcher 's wings by staging a show of disaffection or by forcing her into a second round when the first round votes are cast , on December 5 under the most likely timetable .
27 At about 0345 it was decided to try to position Locative in a better position for helicopter winching by towing her into the wind .
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