Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 Walling may have one or two faces , so a one-face finish may not be suitable for using as the edge of a tread instead of a paving slab , but would be for use underneath the slab .
2 Leng began today 's section with a 4.2 point advantage over her nearest rival , Germany 's Peter Thomsen on White Girl , after emerging as the only rider among 67 to get under the 40 points dressage mark .
3 By 1808 there was a developed pattern of street violence and the ‘ people ’ of the barrios bajos — the poor southern quarter of Madrid — after functioning as the ‘ blind instruments ’ of an aristocratic fronde against Godoy were to become the heroes of the Second of May , when they rose against the French troops .
4 During the day John worked in the cotton trade , and in his spare time he devoted his energy to music and various activities , such as acting as the secretary for cricket clubs , always with the intention of promoting his business career .
5 As social anthropologists our major concern is with those ideas and ways of behaving which a given community takes for granted as the ‘ natural ’ order of things .
6 It is with Zerlina that Giovanni sings the enchanting duet ‘ La cì darem la mano ’ , which later composers , including Chopin , paid the compliment of using as the basis for variations .
7 Ramsay learnt early on the crucial importance of drawing as the basis for his art .
8 We do not want this My Lords , th the th the appointed members system will be wrong , it will be against the whole trend of policing as the Noble Lord Harris spelt out from eighteen thirty-five .
9 By the mid-1920s the disunity which had plagued China since the 191 1 revolution showed some prospect of ending as the Nationalist party , the Guomindang , consolidated its control over large areas of the country .
10 In He drove from Toronto to New York , for example , the spatial entity New York is related to the process of driving as the term of the movement involved in this process .
11 In addition to doubts about the contracting process , we also take issue with Ham on his singling out of underfunding as the major problem for the future of the NHS .
12 These idealised sentences often turn out to be based , in fact , on the conventions of written language in the academic sub-culture and these linguists could be seen to be perpetuating , albeit in more sophisticated terms , the older , ideological conception of writing as the model for speech .
13 Innocent was beset with problems which he had little chance of solving as the sands constantly shifted and political and economic undercurrents conditioned behaviour .
14 Ingarden defines the act of reading as the ‘ realization ’ of the work which is accomplished as the reader progressively fills in the ‘ spots of indeterminacy ’ in it ( 1931:246–54 ) .
15 Fathman ( 1975 ) also uses speed of learning as the explanatory variable for younger people learning more effectively , but she points out that the order of acquisition in second language learning does not change with age .
16 Governors of Teesside Poly have agreed to redesignate the Middlesbrough seat of learning as the University of Teesside .
17 The situation basically is that I am confident I can come to accommodation with Norfolk from my way of thinking as the neighbouring Highway Authority , those the people we 've got to er to make certain are on site , I 'm sure , I 'm confident enough to do that .
18 ( c ) A registered foreign lawyer shall do nothing in the course of practising as the director of a recognised body which puts the recognised body in breach of any of these rules , or any other rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies . ’
19 In such cases it may need to be supported at the level of verbal consciousness , and , like grieving as the gateway to reattachment , should not be prematurely foreclosed .
20 I told Northcliffe that if his people would make enquiries at our Central Office , he would find that our nightly regiment of speakers was at least as well worth reporting as the Radical contingent , but that I realized that from the Press point of view , no doubt , our speakers did not play up to the reporters by handing them their speeches in advance , and by other tricks of the kind to which the Radical orators have recourse .
21 Multivariate analysis was by logistic regression with anti-HEV as the dependent variable , starting with age , gender , and location as baseline covariates and with additional covariates added stepwise .
22 The figures for ( u ) were calculated by treating the variation as a continuum with fronting as the sole dimension and this may have distorted the actual situation .
23 The key issue here is to establish the need for recording as the only accurate method of detecting change ( good or bad ) in a child 's behaviour .
24 Jean Dwyer , widely known in publishing as the long standing London syndication manager of News Ltd of Australia , died in Oxford on 9th March , aged 59 , after a long illness .
25 Many of these were the overseas branches of US banks which made a healthy margin in acting as the go-betweens between the OPEC members , who wanted to lend dollars , and the countries with balance of payments deficits which wanted to borrow them .
26 From this change , it is said , followed another change , from prescribing as the cure more self-help and hard work among the poor , to recognition of the need for government intervention to support the poor in an economic situation over which they had little control ; from ‘ individualism ’ to ‘ collectivism ’ as it is often put .
27 wean their foals abruptly and completely ( generally a foal is gradually discouraged from suckling as the next one is on the way , but wo n't leave its mother until it is two or three ) ;
28 It is worth shopping around before choosing as the scope of cover , sums insured and premium costs vary considerably .
29 Middle-class children from a German Jewish background were weaned on a faith in learning as the way to a prosperous and fulfilling career .
30 I can see you are as addicted to knitting as the rest of us , by the fact that you say Murphy 's Law operates every day !
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