Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Hendley claimed during the trial that her lover came up with hundreds of schemes for disposing of her husband .
2 I presume he would not therefore question your method for disposing of your money before , er … your demise ? ’
3 ‘ Leaving aside what you thought at the time , and looking back , could he have driven the car to Exeter after disposing of his wife ? ’
4 Retiring partners would still have the difficulty of disposing of their shares on retirement and putting themselves within the scope of retirement relief .
5 And buyers also have an easy method of disposing of their cars and obtaining new ones every couple of years , which in turn means low maintenance costs .
6 The unlisted securities market , the Third market and the over-the-counter market provided business with something to aim for and provided investors with a method of disposing of their interests ( an ‘ exit route ’ in the terminology ) .
7 When she feels ready to contemplate it she may also want your help in the sad business of disposing of her husband 's clothing .
8 Before moving out of Speaker 's House on Friday , Weatherill had the traumatic experience of disposing of his trappings of office .
9 Where an infant actually has in his hands tangible movable property , it would seem that he has a power of disposing of it , of which the limits — if such there are — have not been determined .
10 Whilst it may be too much to ask that you immediately take on any responsibility for seeing that the 120,000 weekly NME s are properly recycled ( By heck , we are talking SERIOUS wank — ER ! — SW ) , you could perhaps act responsibly by doing your bit to ease unemployment by taking on someone with the job of disposing of your own rubbish soundly .
11 It is to be admitted that any particular conscious episode , in the moment of experiencing of it , seems to consist at least largely in but one thing — as , say , when the address " 4 Keats Grove " comes to mind .
12 It was small but perfectly formed , as Dudley Moore is fond of saying of himself .
13 Dead Certain had been as badly affected as any , but Elsworth simply would not run a horse of that class in such a race unless he believed it was capable of giving of its best .
14 Potential ontological existents are topics that are in principle capable of existing independently of individual acts of thought of which they are objects , and meanings can not so exist .
15 But erm sort of thought of something in between , but he said he said those will probably go for about five hundred and fifty
16 Right , think of think of it with the brackets on , two times the whole compound , and the
17 I do n't sort of think of it as art going in the other direction .
18 Social selection results from ( a ) effects of competition between the subject and others of either sex with respect to commodities essential to survival in the situation that will allow attempt at reproduction , ( b ) competition for access to preferred members of the opposite sex for mating and ( c ) effects of competition between subjects for access to commodities in the environment essential for rearing of their young or those of relatives to reproductive age .
19 Although she lacks Leapor 's force , Jennens is competent and amusing when she chides the book for complaining of its new owner .
20 But for the time being I happen to think it best to wait a little , in the hope that something triggers your memory into returning of its own accord . ’
21 But in Britain we equate acknowledging man 's need for instant sex with approving of it , and rather than have that levelled at us , we reject the idea of licensed brothels .
22 ‘ Development of A V training , including making of our own training films/packages which would match system requirements ’ …
23 It was n't worth asking of what kind ; there had been so many beginnings .
24 It is true that the exact nature of this equitable interest was not crystal clear , for the members could not , while the firm was a going concern , lay claim to any particular asset or prevent the directors from disposing of it .
25 The ladies were not quite so successful in disposing of their offspring as they were of their husbands , though they did their best .
26 The increasing specialization of modern agriculture means that while arable farmers use over one million tons of artificial fertilizer each year , intensive livestock producers experience considerable difficulties in disposing of their animal waste .
27 If the review is upwards only he is highly unlikely to want to initiate the review himself , but the uncertainty of not knowing what his rent is may hamper him in conducting or investing in his business , or in disposing of his lease .
28 However , carbon produces more then 3.5 times its own weight in carbon dioxide so there is a problem in disposing of it .
29 Even if she had n't sussed out who had ordered the stuff , she should have asked for his advice and help in disposing of it .
30 There could n't be any wrong in disposing of it .
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