Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it as " in BNC.

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1 There are , indeed , impressive reasons for characterising it as such , but only the most committed proponent of this view would wish to deny that the defence effort and the scientific-technological base on which it rests can be entirely insulated from the problems we have surveyed here .
2 She could almost feel the internal battle raging within her , and for a long moment could do nothing but gaze at the stage , torn between seeing it as a hostile no-man's-land and home .
3 Although there are problems in directly transferring Belbin 's analysis into educational institutions there does appear to be the basis of using it as a means of managing the issues identified at the start of this section .
4 Perhaps the best result of the current fascination with ‘ world music ’ is that , after decades of using it as a fashion accessory or status symbol , people have actually begun to listen to music again .
5 The possibility of using it as a bypass to the village was discussed with the Ministry of Defence in 1985 .
6 The possibility of using it as a tactical weapon against the king-duke was too valuable an asset to be abandoned .
7 Whole-tone harmony is part of many harmonic systems , is valuable in many circumstances , and is therefore worth a brief study by all composers , even if they have no intention of using it as a complete system themselves .
8 But when you have a community centre like street that is which a joint you can see the value of of of maintaining it as a a paid for as a a a erm and be substantial volunteer input that exists .
9 But even if we allow that this can be a beneficial experience , we must question the wisdom of seeing it as the only valid way in which reading can be learned .
10 Clare 's newfound , short-term leisure meant that she now enjoyed cooking instead of seeing it as an added , rushed , three-times-a-day chore to fit in around earning her living .
11 Erm but the converse is true , that er er er a British national can go and work in all of those countries , so instead of seeing it as a threat , I mean one can easily see it as an opportunity .
12 None the less , there was a substantial majority in favour of accepting it as a basis for discussion , largely because there was much to be said about the interrelationship of pope , bishops and curia , and the draft provided this opportunity .
13 He said it was a matter of accepting it as a capital project but he would see that Coun Jackson received the information he had requested .
14 It is revealing in how clear f was and yet I managed to stop short of naming it as racism .
15 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
16 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
17 Because in the past Dave we 've actually tried to tie it in with parent 's evening to sort of use it as a bit of a motivator to jeer the , gee them up before the end
18 One even made the mistake of describing it as a signal to ‘ alert others in the pack ’ , as if cats are group-hunting animals like wolves .
19 He now has a way of displaying it as a real space-filling 3-D image .
20 A perceived event then is not in the same relation to the act of perceiving it as an inferred event is to the act of inferring it .
21 Kaplan explains that the primary impetus to his project was the sense that modern interpretations of the Adagietto have strayed from the composer 's intentions with regard to what he calls ‘ the current fashion of treating it as a sombre movement played at a funereal pace . ’
22 It is all too easy to make the mistake of treating it as a purely physical problem that can be overcome by renewal , as was discovered by costly experience in the USA during the 1960s and in Britain a decade later .
23 Well that 's probably a good a way of managing it as anything really .
24 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
25 ‘ He 's got every chance of making it as a player . ’
26 Subsequently he kept watch on Joyce ‘ s National Socialist League , even to the extent of infiltrating it as a member .
27 In this second part we shall look at what is required of a spiritual director and suggest some ways of exploring it as a personal resource .
28 Q When I am looking at the ingredients in a hair product what should I be looking for to identify it as a quality product ?
29 This could even have the elusive and much desired effect of reducing the appeal of smoking as a ‘ grown up ’ activity through reconstructing it as an essentially teenage pursuit .
30 A drink problem is less to do with enjoying alcohol than with using it as a means of coping with pressures of various kinds .
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