Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thanks for bringing it up . ’
2 So that was my excuse , for , for , for bringing it in .
3 It will be understood from this brief commentary that in standard form contracts the haulier should remain on his guard and not be afraid to seek professional advice , especially on insurance matters , before making a contractual commitment to a document which , naturally , affords wide protection to the contracting party responsible for drawing it up and seeks to limit the scope of protection afforded by law for the other party .
4 Almost as if , having proclaimed himself paralytic in court , he was setting about proving it over and over again .
5 If Iran , weary and broke after its war with Iraq , has waved goodbye to its proselytising days , this is a valid reason for easing it out of its isolation and back to the position in Gulf politics which , from the shah on , it has craved and which reflects the size of its population and length of its coastline .
6 So if you begin catching barbel in the 4lb or larger bracket it is well worth sticking it out until they move on or you have caught most of them .
7 We talked about pick it up .
8 You can annotate a task , write down who 's responsible for seeing it through , and the names of up to three people who are involved .
9 I have asked , and to take the major responsibility for seeing it through , and you will hear more from them soon !
10 about bringing it up in the next erm meeting .
11 ooh I made a drink , what about bring it up then ?
12 No I mean it 's not , it 's not that , it 's just that if you 've got , if you 've got anything you want to say on these cases , then it 's worth bringing it out now .
13 Agreed to purchase one machine initially , JF to be responsible for booking it out to Garden Departments .
14 ‘ Forget all this romantic stuff about tossing it up , batsmen careering down the pitch to slog it up in the air , and even slipping in the occasional chinaman .
15 With a family grave , there will be a fee for opening it up , for moving headstones , and for additional inscriptions on an existing headstone .
16 Yes , I mean I do n't think there 's a problem about opening it up to them except their meetings traditionally are in the early morning
17 After checking it out with her church leader , she took a boat to Hong Kong !
18 Yet the book is rather difficult to read and the general reader may become discouraged after picking it up , despite the attraction of the illustrations and lay-out .
19 Short-term memory is the phenomenon by which we can remember a telephone number long enough after looking it up to be able to dial it .
20 Always lay the rug on a flat and even surface , and after smoothing it out , carefully view it from all sides to see if there are any ridges or troughs .
21 It is all there , but there is a lot of reconstruction to do after getting it out .
22 Glasgow District Council decided last month to release its £90,000 grant for 1992-93 to the RSNO after holding it back for almost a year .
23 If you cast on and work widthways the work will grow in no time and you merely need to work until the strip is slightly longer than you need so that you can cut it to fit after sewing it on .
24 What right did they have , that lot , getting you to think about how bloody life was , sitting in this poky flat with Ted always so tired he never played with Frieda or talked to herself and fell asleep straight after having it off .
25 Five hundred people are to lose their jobs after their firm lost a contract to clean schools just weeks after taking it on .
26 The big dog had snapped it from his fingers eagerly enough , but after rolling it around in her mouth a few times she spat it to the floor and pawed at it , growling and sniffing her distaste .
27 So after talking it over with me , Tony and Margaret sat down with him and said : ‘ Stephen , look , here are the adoption papers .
28 We only decided after talking it over with Angela . ’
29 His cap 's on the floor in front of him and I think about picking it up for him , cos maybe if he 's blind he do n't know he 's dropped it .
30 At their broadest , leading ideas of the scientific revolution divide into a substantive picture of how nature works and a set of methodological rules for filling it in .
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