Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] with other " in BNC.

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1 After consulting with other departmental Select Committees , however , the Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) said in its Eighteenth Report for 1988–9 ( HC 354 ) that they did not consider deferral of the publication of departmental reports to March ( spring ) to be a satisfactory way of bringing the reports alongside the estimates and publication of both documents to January .
2 It is not clear whether this motivation arises from a pragmatic desire to influence other people in order to achieve common objectives , or whether social interactions act as a catalyst for the child 's intrinsic curiosity about language as a system for communicating with other people .
3 It involves learning how to produce and understand sentences in a wide variety of contexts , that is to say how to use language as a resource for communicating with other people .
4 Symphony also includes a Comms package for communicating with other computers via a modem .
5 Because they 're in the business of competing with other hospitals , competing for treatment , competing with doctors .
6 Women in Accountancy will also consider ways of cooperating with other professional bodies .
7 Your clothes are a means of communicating with other people .
8 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
9 The probability of living with other people also increases with age .
10 Thirty-two year old David Casey and his 30 year old wife Jacqueline were accused at the Magistrates Court yesterday of conspiring with other people to cause an explosion likely to endanger life .
11 Mentally handicapped children should be given the opportunity of mixing with other children from an early age .
12 The CNES implemented the French policy of co-operating with other European nations to create ELDO ( launcher ) and ESRO ( science ) .
13 Finally , as some of them are geographically isolated , there is little or no possibility of merging with other institutions .
14 Both development officers had considerable experience not only of the elderly mentally frail , but also of implementing new initiatives in care , and of negotiating with other service-providers .
15 Something that impelled the individual towards identifying with other people , performing groups , to accepting norms and values for these super-ego , which emerges during this time , and so on .
16 It was confused , slow to change — a factor amplified by the fact that there was no party conference between October 1937 and May 1939 — and deliberately hostile to the idea of working with other anti-fascist groups .
17 The reason he wanted desperately to get into the company was that Ninette de Valois , to whom he had already spoken about his choreographic ambitions , had told him that experience of working with other choreographers and dancing their ballets was essential to learn his craft .
18 My experience of working with other nationalities both at Wilhelmshaven and later , when with David Wheeler I had set up the German Fishery Protection Service in the Baltic , also taught me some fundamental lessons .
19 It requires lots of experience of working with other people in varied situations .
20 One approach to the diagnosis of ambiguity relies on finding , for two occurrences of a word form , different relations of meaning with other items .
21 By the mid-twentieth century there was a fair amount of crossing with other breeds in order to boost production , and there is therefore much more evidence today of colour spotting on the head , neck and shoulders and an increasing tendency towards overmarking .
22 The new Russian successor body , Minatom , is charged with negotiating with other former Soviet republics with a view to setting up co-operation agreements on peaceful uses of nuclear energy .
23 It is felt that fewer people would be put off attending with other genital or sexual problems if the stigma of going to a ‘ VD ’ clinic could be dispensed with .
24 While many day centres and day hospitals provide a ‘ social club ’ environment , the environment is highly segregated and normally provides little opportunity for mixing with other people outside the mental health system or at evenings or weekends .
25 Surely , as we move towards the end of 1992 , there are few if any businesses involved in trading with other European Community countries that are not aware of the fundamental changes that will take place from 1 January 1993 after internal frontiers are removed ?
26 So but that might be one of the things that you need to look at I mean once sh she may have dif because of the difficulties in communicating with other staff and
27 The following list of suggestions contains exercises which are used on management development courses that I 'm involved in running with other trainers .
28 Other functions which might bc identified , for example , are staffing ( ie. filling positions in the organisation with people ) , leading ( unlike commanding , ‘ leading ’ is concerned with the interpersonal nature of management ) and acting as the organisation 's representative in dealing with other organisations ( ie. an ambassadorial or public relations role ) .
29 It does not respond to other forms of mental or emotional treatment such as analytical psychotherapy , behaviour therapy or general psychiatric group therapy , although any of these may possibly be helpful in dealing with other issues once the primarily disease is in recovery through the Anonymous Fellowships .
30 Now let's take a couple of examples of those the direct interests of er say in Britain might be er let's take the example of the fishing industry it 's important in Britain for the fishermen of Britain erm to have the right to be able to maintain their livelihoods and that 's an interest , direct interest , of Britain in negotiating with other countries about fishing rights .
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