Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 There are very few varieties of olives that would be suitable for eating straight from the trees as the fruits , especially the unripened green olives , are usually very bitter .
2 You can adapt the menus for eating away from home , i.e. at work or even in a restaurant .
3 When she became engrossed in some new work he made her preoccupation an excuse for drawing away from her .
4 This was even more embarrassing , for Donleavy 's strictures about keeping away from the embassy had focussed particularly on the risks of associating with the Drug Enforcement Administration 's ‘ cowboys ’ , the DIA 's contempt for the CIA under William Casey being exceeded only by its detestation of the DEA .
5 And was he to be as abjectly grateful for proffers even from young Eric in the north lands ?
6 Spin out also occurs after landing badly from a jump .
7 He collapsed after returning home from the latest run-in and , sadly , died several days later .
8 McColgan , running only her second marathon , was always in control after pulling away from the pack inside the first five miles .
9 ‘ Oh , no … please do n't do this to me , Fernando , ’ she sobbed after pulling away from him .
10 On 29 August , after hurrying away from the sound of gunfire , the royal army marched into Inverness .
11 While her parents slept late at their home in Eccles , Greater Manchester , after flying home from America with her , Laura was up at dawn playing with her teddies .
12 Scotland Yard say the man hijacked a refuse vehicle at gunpoint after running away from the scene of a robbery .
13 Some people study best for a couple of hours straight after coming home from work or college .
14 After jumping nimbly from the freight car she closed the door , picked up her holdall , and hurried towards the fence .
15 Dr Einon started by asking James to repeat telephone numbers , then to remember a sequence of words , then to repeat word lists after counting backwards from ten to one as a distraction ( see graph ) .
16 To every child in this country , there is one language with which he must necessarily be familiar , and by that , and by that alone he has the power of drawing directly from one of the great literatures of the world .
17 Angelina 's voice made him jump and he forgot all about Pretty Polly , and all about his chances of sneaking away from the Canterbury trip tomorrow to see the second day of the Kent versus Australia match .
18 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
19 Well direct sales you you know I always tried to sort of stay away from companies that you know had a reputation for that .
20 We 've , we 've kind of shied away from the whole thing about image and about fat
21 Four minutes before the end of this game , Oxford United 's chances of returning home from Molyneux with any points looked distinctly bleak .
22 And then h instead of walking home from the chapel on Sunday night with my mother , he started walking home with her father .
23 Well I was thinking of walking home from the centre of the town but then I thought to hell with it .
24 Her main concern at the moment , though , is the difficulty of keeping away from cigarettes — her resolution to stop smoking is just four days old !
25 MPs are allowed to claim all costs of living away from home , whether hotel accommodation or the full charge of running a private flat in the capital .
26 Many farm workers recognize this as an unavoidable aspect of living away from the main centres of industry , and while they may occasionally recognize the limitations which are imposed upon their freedom to choose both employment and housing , they are not necessarily embittered by it .
27 It is important that recruits have experience of living away from their home area and that they are independent people capable of making their own decisions .
28 Like many other colonials , the often devastating effects of the climate on local agriculture , and the inordinate expenses of living far from commercial centres had reduced him to impoverishment , but he was also finding little recompense from the government .
29 The compelling need to experiment with alternative solutions in order to resolve the dilemma of his personal predicament had as its counterpart a light-hearted , seemingly casual participation in role-playing and disguise , techniques of escaping temporarily from an oppressive situation .
30 An alternative way of extracting more from the spectrum , known as Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) shows promise .
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