Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if Jack had been such another he would have thanked Charlie for his unstinted friendship , his generous loans , his hospitality and for bringing him Marilyn Thompson .
2 He had never forgiven his parents for naming him Clarence Wilkins .
3 It is already taken care of Thank you for keeping me company . ’
4 Thanks very much for keeping us company .
5 Among the appellants assisted by Hunt was George Wiltshire , " for to find him labour or to relieve him " .
6 Soon after signing it Barzani said , ‘ It is all a ruse .
7 The plaintiffs claim that they suffered loss and damage as a result of the defendants breach of contract er my Lord erm essentially having completed on this purchase they then tried er to run the business financially and in accordance with the terms of the lease , erm but it 's all been the plaintiff 's evidence that right from the start erm he was well prepared that there was insufficient working capital and insufficient funds er to run this business properly and efficiently and indeed shortly after purchasing it advice was sought about er re-sale and er if your Lordship looks at page eighty eight of the pleadings bundle which twenty one the plaintiff 's case on page eighty eight , the top of the page my Lord .
8 ( Nearly 30 years after writing it Leonard was enthusiastically recommending our attendance at a Chagall exposition on Sherbrooke Street . )
9 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
10 After buying me lunch in a new concrete hotel called , romantically , The Interflora , she drove me back at high Skoda speed through the centre of town — choke full out , engine howling in second gear as we skidded across wet cobblestones , clipping kerbs and narrowly avoiding the numerous potholes and dug-up sections where slow attempts were being made to repair the water mains , shattered by the minus-twenty-five February temperatures .
11 The girl , who had started her paper round to earn money for Chrismas presents , was grabbed as she walked along an alleyway after finishing her Saturday morning deliveries .
12 ‘ No more bloody pictures fer yow me girl , ’ he said angrily .
13 Mr Simpson said that he rejected the footage , which purported to depict ‘ the greatest single-day defeat for Soviet troops since World War II ’ , as untrustworthy after reviewing it frame by frame .
14 Ardiles moved for 20-year-old Donovan after watching him star for Huddersfield during their Coca-Cola Cup clash with Blackburn Rovers .
15 After visiting me auld dear , we 'll meet the others at Kimberly 's house for a late supper . ’
16 Unused as I am to public scribbling , and tardy to boot ( I 've just read your December/January issue ) , I felt I had to thank you for saving me time and trouble ( not to mention hard-won shekels ) , in a search for something which obviously does not exist .
17 Meanwhile , gospel church members criticised the council for refusing them permission to hold services there .
18 And then she apologized for causing me trouble !
19 Our action must reflect an attitude of genuine sorrow for causing them pain or inconvenience .
20 Talking of pick me ups : Oxford United have got one coming at last .
21 Although usually quite reasonable priced , the cost of using them tots up to a considerable amount over several days .
22 This rejection at least served the purpose of bringing me face to face with the uncomfortable fact that I was now without a job and almost without an occupation .
23 In relation to my experience in the so called western feminist movement , I really feel that race and class is a major impediment to the unity of even us women operating in this country .
24 Lorna did another show in London , then went to Broadway with a revival of Kiss Me Kate .
25 we went in the bank and I won a house on the bingo , you could of cracked me Julie said if we win we 'll go halfs I said right you are so we said right that was fine , there was four of the bleeding winners one pound fifty I ended up with
26 That 's the only teacher I 've found that would sort of give you variations of English , different sides to it .
27 Especially if I 'm going to sort of give you things like Y equals erm cos E to the minus K X. I mean it 's only a simple one .
28 Later there were bands like The Vibrators , The Stranglers and The Hammersmith Gorillas , horrors one and all , but pride of place in the pub rock pantheon went to Wilko Johnson 's Dr Feelgood and the wonderfully esoteric Kilburn And The High Roads , featuring Ian Dury and kitted out courtesy of Let It Rock .
29 probably would of saved him money would n't it ?
30 Oh you should of seen it Mark !
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