Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 For climbing information the campground is the best source , and the only place to buy guidebooks .
2 If it were made good , it would go a long way towards providing a justification for denying English the place in our educational system which we demand for it .
3 He agreed to the clause allowing them to release records elsewhere , after giving RCA the first option , because he say it as common sense .
4 Three weeks after taking office the new centre-right government introduced its 1990 budget , a revised version of the proposals presented by the outgoing Labour government .
5 Soon after taking office the National Party government estimated that the budget deficit by the end of fiscal 1991/92 ( June 1992 ) would be NZ$3,700 million , rising to NZ$5,200 million at the end of fiscal 1992/93 .
6 After hearing argument the trial judge acceded to those submissions and ordered a stay of proceedings .
7 After leaving school the situation of course is different , although the position of young wage earners in the household may well have depended upon the employment opportunities available for them in the local economy .
8 Hugh Bayley , Labour parliamentary candidate for York : ‘ Instead of cutting tax the Government should be investing in schools , the health service and above all in creating jobs . ’
9 This is a brief section because , although there are many complicated methods of recording behaviour the simplest are generally quite sufficient .
10 Consultants are only one source of pricing information the customers have learned to use .
11 Another way of approaching foot the bill will be suggested below .
12 Yet within nine months of taking office the Government had introduced a New Towns Bill , which took precedence over the promised measure on compensation and betterment ( Cullingworth , 1979 ) .
13 At these levels of venting area the effect of venting on the performance of sprinkler systems would appear to be quite immaterial one way or the other .
14 After 2¾ hours of nailbiting frustration the foreman led the way back in .
15 We need only recognize that history is a method with no distinct object corresponding to it to reject the equivalence between the notion of history and the notion of humanity which some have tried to foist on us with the unavowed aim of making historicity the last refuge of a transcendental humanism : as if men could regain the illusion of liberty on the plane of the ‘ we ’ merely by giving up the ‘ I 's that are too obviously wanting in consistency .
16 And you may find that instead of making antiracism the rational choice for trade union officials and other bureaucrats , you are encouraging them to see immigration as dysfunctional , rather than racism !
17 ( viii ) Methods of curtailing debate The general notion underlying parliamentary debate is that the other side should be allowed to have its say .
18 Following her early advances into French Indo-China , Japan occupied with astounding speed the remainder of colonial Southeast Asia , and took control over French Indo-China , Singapore , the Philippines , the Dutch East Indies and Malaya , as well as parts of Burma .
19 He regarded with scrutinizing curiosity the infinite varieties of plants unknown and undescribed . ’
20 ‘ I dare say he 'll cope with preparing food the day before .
21 As he spoke , he watched with mounting unease the different expressions flitting across Tammuz' face : frustration , annoyance , condescension , anger , humour and , unbelievably , sadness .
22 He discussed with mounting enthusiasm the siege coinage of Charles I.
23 This is my first visit to the pictures , a treat to take my mind off starting school the following Monday .
24 They every time , when he rung up Radio Bristol when I was about having coffee the other morning .
25 In accepting criticism the PROFITBOSS suffers no loss of credibility .
26 Clearly , if a threat of punishment is to be effective in sustaining collusion the firms must believe that the punishment would actually be carried out if the need arose .
27 In granting assistance the Commissioner will always indicate the extent of that assistance-for example , up to which particular stage in any current or prospective court proceedings it will be available .
28 Elision is a closely related subject , and in considering intonation the difference between strong and weak syllables is also important .
29 Before considering the strategies to be used in teaching history the teacher should be clear about the objectives he or she has in mind .
30 As argued above , ‘ teacher involvement ’ is crucial in establishing an effective school , in raising the morale of teachers and in giving LMS the chance to achieve its aim of improving the quality of educational opportunities for pupils .
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