Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It would appear some of our customers have developed a new method of claiming a penny back for re-using a JS carrier bag !
2 Wyatt 's subsequent work was primarily as a country-house architect and ‘ improver ’ , although he competed unsuccessfully for a number of major public commissions and in 1816 published a Prospectus of a Design for Various Improvements in the Metropolis , in which he made radical proposals for replanning the West End .
3 They were then blamed for allowing a Thatcher victory , when Labour 's downfall hinged on a refusal to implement its own policies .
4 In a related development , the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has announced its intention to prosecute the North West Water company for allowing the PCP discharges to continue .
5 THE Investment Management Regulatory Organisation ( Imro ) has admitted it was partly to blame for allowing the Maxwell pension fraud to happen and that it was ‘ thumped ’ for its supervision of the Maxwell fund managers by the parliamentary select committee on social security .
6 I do n't think that clay consumption is on the increase — no more so than some of the other doings in my oddities file , such as eating the Oregon rough-skinned newt ( Journal of the American Medical Association , vol 246 , p 247 ) or performing bilateral orchiectomy ( ie removal of the testes ) on oneself ( JAMA , vol 241 , p 2188 ) .
7 For using the St. Annes tracks in Squires Gate Lane , Blackpool had to pay a levy of ½d per passenger .
8 Look down at the floor of the cab , and you 'll find a lever on the left hand side for using the Antares ' fuel-saving mode .
9 Shareholder dues remain at £350,000 , which includes membership of one of the councils — £10,000 to others — participation in all working groups and a royalty waiver for using the X/Open brand .
10 The town received its charter in 1283 from Rudolf himself , who , more than any other ruler of the line , was responsible for building the Habsburg power .
11 1777 The meeting having heard the Report of the Committee for Building the Kirk Yeard Dyke of Kilchoman , do sustain the Reasons … for not having the work compleated …
12 Grade had overstretched himself and lost money heavily on box office flops such as Raise the Titanic and biblical epics .
13 This authority would not make changes to the software , but would be responsible for pursuing the SPR to a satisfactory conclusion .
14 CONGRATULATIONS to the City Hall authorities for repairing the Queen Victoria and Titanic Memorials ( damaged by clambering louts ) .
15 Civil servants employed at Fort George and Ebrington Barracks were warmly congratulated for defying the IRA by reporting for duty .
16 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
17 The lack of agreement threatened the timetable for completing the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade talks in the GATT negotiations [ see pp. 37227-29 ] .
18 Trade ministers at their Oct. 11-13 Newfoundland meeting [ see above ] agreed to reject calls to extend the December deadline for completing the Uruguay Round .
19 European Community ( EC ) Trade Ministers , meeting in Amsterdam on Oct. 12 , effectively accepted the timetable spelt out by Dunkel for completing the Uruguay Round .
20 Dr Sanders said the comments by David McNeill , senior depute director of education , and the official responsible for handling the CRE investigation , ‘ emphasises the importance with proceeding with this investigation with all possible speed and effectiveness ’ .
21 An American was responsible for electrifying the London Underground .
22 An alternative scheme for financing the NHS involves the removing of finance from general taxation and the introduction of a health stamp or hypothecated tax .
23 While the treatment of Bosnian Moslems elicited almost universal condemnation , some African countries reportedly expressed reservations about using the NAM summit as a forum for inter-religious confrontation , claiming that Moslem nations ( forming about 40 per cent of the NAM membership ) were waging a jihad or " holy war " against the former Yugoslavia .
24 The move came after Lutzenberger embarrassed the government by publicly accusing Ibama , the federal agency responsible for protecting the Amazon forest , of corruption and misuse of foreign funds .
25 North thought Reagan might qualify , like Teddy Roosevelt , for the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Iran-Iraq War , and that Secord was directly in line to get the Medal of Freedom .
26 In reports I read , Jim Smith , the Portsmouth manager , blamed television as well as the FA for ending the FA Cup semi-final replay with a penalty shoot-out .
27 In seconding the motion for keeping the May Day holiday , it is my opinion that th th g this government is having yet another go at the unions .
28 DAVID PLATT received a ticking-off from Graham Taylor last night for keeping the England boss in the dark over a knee injury which threatens to prevent him playing against Turkey next week .
29 Had we but known that money was so scarce , RW&P would willingly have sent round the collection box to gather money to compensate the RFU in return for keeping the England jersey white ( or , for that matter , the WRU for keeping the Welsh jersey red ) .
30 He was best known for rebuilding the Milagres Chapel in Machico .
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