Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Based on average NFL salaries , that means teams paid out almost $84 million in wages during that time to players unfit to take the field .
2 During that time of course nobody there to run it the youth theatre sadly er ran down .
3 … let the organization of a canine animal become slightly plastic , which animal preyed chiefly on rabbits , but sometimes on hares ; let these same changes cause the number of rabbits very slowly to decrease and the number of hares to increase ; the effect of this would be that the fox or dog would be driven to try to catch more hares , and his numbers would tend to decrease ; his organization , however , being slightly plastic , those individuals with the lightest forms , longest limbs , and best eyesight ( though perhaps with less cunning or scent ) would be slightly favoured , let the difference be ever so small , and would tend to live longer and to survive during that time of the year when food was shortest ; they would also rear more young , which young would tend to inherit these slight peculiarities .
4 There was a light frost covering the ground and much of the foliage , but it was a mild day for that time of the year .
5 The argument for seasonally adjusting monthly unemployment figures is that only then can the observer tell whether a given monthly increase in unemployment is the normal variation for that time of year or an unusual rise which policy-makers should be concerned about .
6 Well for that time of the year it was remarkable really .
7 Elisha was the man that God had equipped for that time in history , in that land , and for the specific needs of individual people around him .
8 Anybody who lived through that time in Oswaldston will have a lot of memories of it-some of them bitter , some of them funny .
9 The interesting question is whether the reform to regulations regarding fee structures in 1982 and , to a lesser extent , the greater freedom architects enjoyed from about this time to practice in a less restrictive manner have influenced the pattern of events .
10 Such secondary pulses have been observed at about this time of year after very strong El Ninos in 1957 , 1956 and 1972 — but this 1982 ‘ secondary ’ would have been stronger than the ‘ primary ’ it belongs to , again raising the question ‘ why ? ’
11 " If I remember rightly , " said Matt , " there 's a tearoom in Gunnerside that sells strawberry scones about this time of the year . "
12 It is about this time of year that life at the headquarters of the Women Professional Golfers ' European Tour gets a little hectic for Membership Secretary Marion Davies .
13 Like maybe now about this time of the year we would start with skipping , and then in the winter time , we well there was has a lot of , we would just seem to amuse ourselves .
14 About this time of year she 'd have expected business to be picking up , but instead it remains ominously quiet .
15 AT ABOUT this time of the year and for every year since 1973 , the Laing Construction Company has set about the long and complex business of arriving at the six illustrations that will ultimately grace its calendar .
16 About this time of year .
17 And , you know , the sort of things which you can remember , which I can remember , some of the glorious ones , one when I was working up in Lancashire , about this time of year when the , the new May Day Bank Holiday was announced in about nineteen seventy-two or three or something and through five editions of the Lancashire Evening Post was a headline which said ‘ New Pubic Holiday ’ .
18 Wireless World almost created civil war in the audio industry at about this time over its publication of one of the first RC-coupled amplifiers .
19 Last year , at about this time in the summer , my daughter Isobel , and a friend , Peta Sherwood , made a similar journey by rail , and with the same ideas ; to keep a diary and to record , in paint , the passing days .
20 A remarkable change for the worse took place about this time in the hitherto retired neighbourhood of Southall Green .
21 As with a similar Bill that was around at about this time in 1987 , this Bill is the product of the Government 's imagination .
22 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
23 generally speaking I think you can up to about half time without having any effect on your re- employment earnings .
24 Although the carpet 's original owner is still unknown , the recipient must have been highly considered , since all the Savonnerie workshops were monopolised by the King during this time for making carpets for the Louvre .
25 Mary Alston , one of the mainstays of the women 's union in the 1920s , had to care during this time for a sick sister , who was in and out of a nursing home ; much later , in the 1940s , she had to give up work for a while to care for her mother .
26 During this time of subjective observing participation , the policeman/insider moves to the margins , to a point where analysis negates automatic approval or predisposition for a world of known categories and classifications .
27 During this time of enforced idleness , she massaged Tamar 's body with oil of almonds , not only to relieve her backache , but also to avoid unsightly stretchmarks on her body .
28 Leigh had made it clear to Olivier during this time of her mental illness that she no longer loved him , and Olivier was well aware that his wife wanted to be with Finchie .
29 Furthermore , it is so cold during this time of the year that , without heating , patients do not want to be admitted .
30 During this time of testing , a sufferer from alcoholism mat say that he or she can not be alcoholic because he or she does not drink in the mornings or is still in regular employment or still has a home and family or perhaps only drinks wine and beer but never spirits or only drinks at the weekends .
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