Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Interest was awakened for some when a TV programme about Archbishop Robert Runcie showed him with his cell group .
2 There were no elections after 1794 when the town was occupied by French troops of the Revolutionary Army for , in 1805 , under pressure from Napoleon , the emperor Francis II gave up his imperial title and became just plain old Emperor of Austria .
3 The CICB offer lists dates after 1986 when the father was jailed for sexual abuse .
4 Cowsfield Gate , in Whiteparish Wiltshire is now a handful of cottages which grew up around a toll house after 1767 when the Salisbury to Romsey road was turnpiked and re-aligned .
5 The UK not only remained the second largest source , after the USA , for foreign direct investment , but increased in importance after 1979 when the first Thatcher government abandoned most controls on the foreign exchange of sterling currency .
6 Things changed dramatically after 1975 when the US Federal Trade Commission required Xerox to grant worldwide licences for its copier patents .
7 It was just after nine-thirty when the telephone rang .
8 For the next century or so , the county was relatively free of French harassment , but the situation worsened considerably after 1360 when a French fleet burnt Winchelsea and followed this up with a regular series of raids on the coast .
9 The Spadeadam Rocket Establishment came into being some time after 1950 when the Cold War was at its height .
10 It is significant that most formal policies on ‘ race ’ and multicultural education have been formulated after 1981 when the ‘ riots ’ forced the issue of inner city youth on the political agenda ( Troyna and Williams , 1986 ; Solomos , 1986a ) .
11 It was after ten when the long day ended , the king having busied himself visiting the wounded , including those from the enemy army ; he had , it soon appeared , decisively won the Battle of the Boyne for the loss of 500 men ; James 's casualties were put at 1600 .
12 After 1930 when the concerted intellectual endeavour came to an end , the work of individual participants ceased to be of any theoretical interest .
13 This freedom was suspended after 1974 when the Supplementary Special Deposit Scheme ( see Ch. 9 ) was introduced but restored when the scheme was ended by the Conservative government in 1979 .
14 The lists also show that the Elizabethan era was a period of considerable economic change as the woolstaplers were replaced by the butchers and the tanners ; cattle rather than sheep became the basis of local wealth , especially after 1541 when the disappearance of the Wyggestons removed a family which had dominated the town 's economy for two or three generations .
15 There has not been such a bad outcome for the professionals since the American election of 1948 when the pollsters confidently predicted a clear victory for Dewey .
16 Another is the Great Orange Riot of 1971 when an Italian team , playing Spain in Cagliari , but tactlessly , without any Cagliarian representatives , was chased off the pitch by Outspan-wielding Sconvols .
17 So appealing a plant do I find this that I have planted a ‘ fairy ring ’ of eight where the hurricane left a space .
18 A number of deaf people , including children , lost their lives during air raids by German warplanes on the British mainland , including a family of eight when a bomb scored a direct hit on their dug-out .
19 Working on George 's local knowledge — his father 's home was less than an hour 's drive away — they planned to reach Miss Tuckey 's cottage at half past eight when the other committee members would have had time to digest and drive in from the countryside .
20 The leases that were granted in the heady days of 1989/90 when the brewery company landlords invited rental bids from tenants , saw them hungrily bidding up to 12 per cent to 15 per cent of the anticipated turnover .
21 In particular item eleven point three of that where the H M I said sufficient capital should be provided to enable the provision of the southern fire station to go ahead .
22 They related to the constitutional arrangements which existed between 1974 and the end of 1986 whereby the General Council of the Bar had become part of the new Senate of the Inns of Court of the Bar and had ceased to exist as a separate entity , although the constitution of the Senate contained provisions designed to ensure that the Bar Council would remain an autonomous body for the purpose of its separate powers and functions .
23 The weakness caused by the bifurcated character of the Alliance was demonstrated in the autumn of 1986 when the separate Liberal and SDP Conferences passed incompatible resolutions on defence policy : the split damaged the Alliance rating in the opinion polls .
24 As the 1976 national elections approached the Democrats were still smarting from the humiliations of 1972 when a badly divided party had nominated George McGovern and seen him overwhelmed by a landslide victory for Richard Nixon .
25 World-wide co-operation in the matter of the venereal diseases was first formalized by the Brussels agreement of 1924 when the signatories undertook to provide a free treatment service for seamen of all countries who were found to be suffering from infection .
26 Bradstreet again served as governor until May of 1692 when the governor appointed under the new royal charter arrived .
27 Pakistan were 699 for five in reply to India 's first innings score of 509 when the game was called off 10 overs into the final hour with Shoaib 203 not out .
28 It may be added that the Montreal Tramways case was cited and relied on in the earliest United States case of 1946 where the changed view , that the child could sue , was adopted .
29 So they have designed , in conjunction with some colleagues at the Energy Research Unit of the Open University a heat pump using natural gas , which produces a COP of 2.8 when the outdoor temperature falls to zero degrees and a COP of 4 in outdoor temperatures of 10 degrees .
30 The French President and some other EC governments believe the new system should be ready for operation by the end of 1992 when the single barrier and frontier free European market is due to be completed .
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