Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] time in " in BNC.

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1 A regular series of free Lunchtime concerts is held each Tuesday during Term Time in the Music Dept For details , please telephone the Music Dept. on
2 Squadron members also receive ground instruction one night a week during term time in aerodynamics , airmanship , meteorology and navigation .
3 She 'd make her own cough mixture for winter time in pint bottles .
4 The suggestion that it might occupy 10 per cent of curriculum time in order to do justice to it and its importance in general , and for all other subjects in particular , is normally greeted with frank incredulity .
5 The uniform hour of sixty minutes soon tended to replace the day as the fundamental unit of labour time in the textile industry .
6 Erm but I must say that I know the view of erm both Ray and Cynthia is that they have a lack of management time in relation to the other two divisions , because they do n't have the assistant divisional manager post .
7 Complaints focus particularly on the setup costs of reporting systems and more general costs of management time in meeting regulatory requirements .
8 In addition , there are all the practical difficulties as to the accessibility of Parliamentary material , the cost of researching it and the use of court time in analysing it , which are good reasons for maintaining the rule .
9 However , Echo is promising to cut ports to a matter of days , or at worst weeks , lopping off what could be years of development time in moving from one architecture to another .
10 Mrs D Sharlotte from Grimbsy with a portrait of harvest time in the orchard .
11 About 12% of radio time in Zambia was taken up by news in the various languages .
12 The hazards model also showed no reduction of survival time in a comparison of the period when atenolol was prescribed ( 1977–90 ) with the period in which it was not prescribed ( 1972–6 ) .
13 The referee added seven minutes of injury time in a stop-start first half .
14 Serge Blanco sealed an easy victory with a conversion in the final minute of injury time in Paris .
15 With term time in full swing , thoughtful planning was necessary to ensure that pupils ’ lessons would not be interrupted during construction .
16 The presence of Barrett 's oesophagus was found to have a significant positive association with transit time in supine position ( p=0.003 ) and a negative association with lower oesophageal sphincter pressure ( p=0.05 ) .
17 Companies justify the cost in employee time in terms of improved public relations and eventually recruiting a better trained work force .
18 Do you know that in the last twelve months er we 've produced or the office has produced , twelve hundred twelve hundred reports to committees at an average cost of six hundred pounds each and that 's just in officer time in writing them , nothing to do with the paper they were printed on , the cost of printing , the cost of distribution , the cost of our time to discuss them and our attendance allowance .
19 Clearly the nature of this relationship requires further investigation , particularly as no other case controlled studies have reported on transit time in relation to faecal bile acid concentration .
20 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
21 It seemed that the entire congregation was there helping , through breakfast time in the Undercroft until evening when everything was stowed away in Church leaving it presentable for he next day 's Service .
22 Mr Patten , speaking at question time in the Commons , told Mr Anthony Beaumont-Dark ( C. Selly Oak ) that there was nothing to prevent the current investigation into the West Midlands Serious Crimes Squad looking into ‘ any other matter … if there are grounds for suspicion ’ .
23 At Question Time in the House , the Prime Minister agreed that a paper submitted by a European Planning Manager , now being studied by the Government and the European Commission appeared to offer real solutions to Britain 's excessive contribution to the European budget .
24 He said at question time in the Commons that the problem was not imported fish .
25 At breakfast time in Vancouver , London 's office workers began travelling home .
26 The mean change in urine acid output that occurred at breakfast time in 14 normal adults was -0.88 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ( 95% confidence interval ( CI ) of mean -0.71 , -1.0 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ) .
27 The mean DUAO at breakfast time in 22 British children was 1.43 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ( 95% CI -0.47 , -2.39 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ) .
28 I remember that I left my bag on the table for a few minutes at coffee time in the afternoon . ’
29 If you fancy trying it yourself around harvest time in September , then gather together a few pounds of the bluey-black sloe berries , prick them all over with a fork , smother them in about 6oz of sugar and top up with a litre of gin .
30 Yes , he should probably call her — later , around breakfast time in Rostov .
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