Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to a " in BNC.

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1 Hitler had stood for resistance to a cancer spreading across Europe .
2 Hence , in the mouths of conservative lawyers , we catch an appeal to the radical doctrine of the sovereignty of the nation ; it alone could provide a theoretical basis for resistance to a French king whose claim was legally established by the formal abdication of both Ferdinand VII and his father .
3 It takes genius to go from playful thoughts about beetles to a deep understanding of the Universe .
4 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
5 Later , play-group and school greatly extend the range of influences , especially through exposure to a wide range of planned and spontaneous social interactions with peers .
6 Beneath this an equally twinkling canopy overhung a pavement inlaid with tiles of lilies and acanthus leaves leading through swing-doors to a foyer rich in crimson carpet , mahogany , plump banquettes , frames of photographs of the cast in this or other productions , a Box Office within whose highly carved confines the Box Office manager or his assistant lurked like priests in the confessional receiving through the pinched grill the whispered wishes of communicants .
7 We have chosen the South Face , for we fear the Normal Route will no longer do for our insatiable appetites , but as we gain the foot of the face the snow worsens desperately and Enrique if obliged to wade through powder to a dubious perch on the lip of the bergschrund .
8 Further threats came from the withdrawal of legal aid for undefended divorces , with tacit official encouragement for do-it-yourself petitions , and the pressure for change to a no-fault system of personal injury compensation .
9 The criterion for the acceptance of applicants is their ability to follow successfully a course of academic study and , in appropriate cases , to qualify for admission to a profession .
10 BSc Hons Professional Development in Nursing and BTech degrees — see Application using the University 's Direct Entry Form , p 50 ) , should be made through the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) in accordance with the procedure described in the Council 's handbook ‘ How to Apply for Admission to a University ’ .
11 In order to be considered for admission to a first degree or DipHE course at the University of Ulster , candidates should be in a position to satisfy :
12 Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
13 Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see p 51 ) , and will normally have undertaken a Foundation Course in Art and Design .
14 Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) , and will normally have completed successfully a Foundation Course in Art and Design .
15 Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) , and will normally have undertaken a Foundation Course in Art and Design .
16 Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see p 51 ) , and will normally have undertaken a Foundation Course in Art and Design .
17 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
18 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
19 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
20 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
21 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
22 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
23 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
24 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
25 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
26 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
27 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree ( see page 51 ) .
28 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
29 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
30 The general entry requirements for admission to a first degree course ( see page 51 ) .
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