Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE only predictable thing about Chelsea used to be their unpredictability , but you ca n't even bank on that right now .
2 There has been reference in the Selby area for the likelihood that land initially allocated for industry will in fact be taken up for a supermarket .
3 But nothing can alter the fact that all propositions about experiences can in principle be paraphrased into propositions about certain neuro-physiological events — if not without any sacrifice of meaning , then certainly without any loss of truth .
4 As we debated the awards in Government , various colleagues told me that my arguments for reductions were ‘ egalitarian ’ and that the pay increase for judges would in no way influence the expectations of the nurses and the ancillary workers .
5 A candidate using or attempting to use unfair means in an examination or other form of assessment shall in the first instance be reported to the Secretary of the University .
6 Such developments would necessarily affect both the structure of arts-based courses , but more significantly in the context of this article , would require the methods of assessment used to be tailored to the short term aims of each module .
7 Knowing exactly the freakish mood he had been in , her face assumed that smile the thought of Jasper so often evoked : modest , wistful and admiring , as if his vagaries of genius would for ever be beyond her .
8 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
9 Various indices now exist and it may be that the choice of index should to some extent be determined by the nature of the property .
10 For reasons which are fairly obvious this procedure of bargaining may in some societies lead to the endorsement of highly wicked principles as that society 's doctrine of justice .
11 What is … surprising and disquieting is the fact that those who might be expected ex officio have a profound and permanent appreciation of literature may in reality have nothing of the sort .
12 I share it with Menzies Campbell , who of course used to be an Olympic runner , so I shall have to be quick to keep up .
13 The general rule , however , is that for you to be justified in ending the relationship , the breach of contract must in itself be serious .
14 Acts of resistance may of course continue to be initiated through individual acts of will , but as for Sartre there is no guarantee that they will produce intended effects .
15 the implementation of strategies will in themselves depend greatly upon a series of further conditioning variables such as managerial organisation , patterns of authority within the management hierarchy and , above all , upon the power of oppositional groups ( especially trade unions ) .
16 This syndicate of merchants would in effect become monopoly purchasers and exporters of wool ; in return they would lend the king £200,000 immediately and pay him half the proceeds from the sale of the wool .
17 Indeed , the carbon-based molecules of which living things are constructed , and which they employ for life 's purposes , are so various and can be so complex that the study of biochemistry might at first sight seem quite impossible .
18 The over-simple assumptions widespread in the early 1980s that controlling the supply of money would in some way affect inflation ( the removal of which would introduce a period of substantial growth ) must be considered as being unsound .
19 The actual sums of money will of course be subject to negotiation .
20 Representations of system-sentences may of course be used in metalinguistic discussion of the structure and functions of language : and it is such representations that are customarily cited in grammatical descriptions of particular languages .
21 I should be the last to imply that a Member of Parliament ought to subordinate his judgement of what is wise or right to even the most overwhelming majority of opinion .
22 That Elections of Members of Parliament ought to be free .
23 The concerns of administration used to be the maintenance of law and regulation , the sustaining of working relationships with voluntary organizations and denominational bodies and the planning and maintenance of programmes across a range of responsibilities .
24 In those early days , was there a feeling that withdrawal of labour would in fact bring about the effect that you wanted ?
25 This type of search should of course identify the company being sold which is a useful check .
26 There was a little discussion about the length of time a perfectly made cup of tea ought to be brewed and a little anguish because there was no milk to offer the guests .
27 The effect on the level of savings may in the classical savings case be represented simply by T : .
28 Neither is it always wet ; again , the forests of Queensland can at times be very dry ( and the tops — the canopy — where the leaves are held in the sun all day , must endure conditions that would stress a cactus ) .
29 A person guilty of theft shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years . ’
30 The pre-eminent location for this type of holding used to be Panama , but its political tribulations have damaged confidence .
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