Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We ought to have a statement from the Government so that my constituents and those of my friend and colleague the Hon. Member for Middlesbrough can have their minds put at rest .
2 Whether he would have kept any such agreement is another question , but his capacity for resistance would have been much reduced .
3 Articles may reveal diversification plans which may mean a company suddenly becomes a potential customer ; advertisements for personnel may reveal plans for expansion , again suggesting potential new business .
4 A court that tries to decide as Parliament would have wished is more likely to be right than a court that follows the words believing it was not what Parliament intended .
5 Systems such as PREPLAN can provide the user with sound models of the behaviour patterns of fire and are therefore of enormous value in land-use planning .
6 Climbing through hedges can leave holes that animals can escape through .
7 What begins by looking just a little off parallel might become wildly different .
8 The fact that precious metals have so often been minted to serve as coins may serve to emphasize that precious substances are by no means confined to the summits of ecclesiastical or temporal power , even if their most prestigious manifestations were formerly concentrated on these .
9 The minute hard fruits are ingested with the lleshy perianth and later dispersed through defaecation , though only 32% of those passed through birds would germinate compared with 78% from the bats .
10 His ideas for change would involve some regrouping of staff , and some need for training with new computer software .
11 If we were to do that , I would not rule out any particular proposed change to the role and structure of the district councils , but proposals for change would need to be likely to command widespread support and to provide an appropriate and fair role for both sides of the community .
12 Though the task of both understanding the situation and working for change may seem daunting , my experience of the Philippine health movement leaves me reassured .
13 More fundamentally , the view that pressure for change could have been indefinitely held in check by resolute repression overrates the resources available to unrepentant autocracy .
14 Discussing revolutionary situations , for instance , he remarks a trifle sadly that ‘ unless the revolutionary organisations have a conscious and adequate strategy ’ , which they frequently lack , opportunities for change will go unnoticed .
15 Demands for change will continue , but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the current climate , as broadcasting , and the media in general , becomes increasingly unaccountable to society as a whole .
16 Unfortunately , proposals for change will become less likely as the lessons of the recent attempts to break the mould of Conservative journalism sink in .
17 It calls for an alliance between environmentalists , consumer organizations , churches and trade unions , but concludes that the real impetus for change will come when Southern countries challenge the North 's addiction to consumer lifestyles .
18 Through this dense mesh , proposals for change must pass .
19 For example , the formal machinery of collective bargaining , and the ‘ culture ’ of industrial relations that builds up around it , acts as a filter through which external pressures for change must pass .
20 Those readers who have applied to traditional funding organisations for support will know that their ideas will be subjected to independent ‘ peer ’ review ; that is , comments are invited ( often in secret ) from those working in related fields on the quality of the proposed research and its chances for success .
21 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
22 The actual size of the rise or fall for any given value for t will depend upon the variances of the aggregate and relative demand shocks .
23 The diagrams for patterns will have a narrow seam allowance incorporated but add a few stitches if you think your seams will be well within the drawn edges .
24 He said they were facing particularly strong competition from a Korean consortium , but he was confident Cleveland 's reputation for reliability would prove the decisive factor .
25 But the mining of coastal coral for building must stop or the protection which it gives against waves and flooding will be lost .
26 The real worries about Germany may come after the 1990s , when Germany is not only whole , free and rich , but has also begun to sense its real power .
27 Bowbazaar links Calcutta 's business district with the hugely-crowded Sealdah suburban railway terminus and an explosion of this intensity during daytime would have killed hundreds of people , he said .
28 The park authority say that the upgrading of the towpath for cyclists could have an adverse effect on the landscape and ecology of the area and be in conflict with other towpath users .
29 I suggest those interested in the proposed network for TQM might find it beneficial to contact the QAG , because a considerable amount of knowledge and experience in applying such principles to laboratory work is available to this group .
30 A shift to kerosene is very costly and nowadays fuel for cooking may absorb to up to 15–20 per cent of a poor household 's income ( see Schroeder 1977 , Ives 1981 ) .
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