Example sentences of "[prep] [pn reflx] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Such a map will enable the reader to work out for himself how to get from one location to another within the town .
2 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
3 When we stopped and slowly turned , with our bulging eyes in place , the gang scattered with such blood-curdling screams that we wondered if we had n't overdone it , and felt sufficiently ashamed of ourselves never to use the eyes again .
4 Somehow she felt certain that he would always be far too sure of himself even to consider the possibility .
5 Targets for reductions are issued but each local council has to decide for itself how to meet the targets .
6 It 's about time they brought someone like yourself in to sort it out — no offence meant to you , Mr Aplin , but Mr Eddy ‘ ere 's the best detective they 've got up at Scotland Yard , make no mistake about that . ’
7 We therefore weighing with ourselves how to prevent the endeavours of such wicked persons … thought necessary to disunite and dissociate the Apothecaries of our City of London from the Freedom of the Mystery of Grocers … into one body Corporate and politic … to whom in all future time the management of those inconveniences might be given charge and committee … after the manner of other Companies .
8 It is so grave , because , on any view , the putting to death of a human being by the society to which he belongs is an appalling act , calculated in itself rather to familiarise that society with the taking of life than to heighten the sense of life being held sacred .
9 The suggestion that pre-exposure to a stimulus establishes an exact representation of it , for instance , is not in itself enough to explain latent inhibition ; indeed it seems capable of predicting quite the wrong result .
10 No one expected the pastoral Masai to go out to work en masse as agricultural labourers for the Europeans , and so their officers were spared the necessity of acting as labour recruiters — in itself enough to lighten the heart of any administrative officer in Kenya .
11 Instead it collapses in on itself catastrophically to produce an object a few kilometres across , known as either a neutron star or a pulsar ; often this is accompanied by a stupendous explosion , a supernova .
12 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
13 Just as I never never let other girls see that I know I am pretty ; nobody knows how I 've fallen over myself not to take that unfair advantage .
14 ‘ I vowed to myself not to do this yet , but there 's something about you that melts my sternest resolutions . ’
15 you focussed on yourself enough to cry
16 I felt this book cries for action ; it has helped me understand that to give an honest testimony of my feelings , I had to impose on myself not to betray my dignity as a woman and as a member of a community .
17 Although the adrenalin may flow , you owe it to yourself not to become carried away .
18 It was almost at this moment , too , that the door was thrust open and the indignant lady stood within it and in a loud voice proclaimed in her most officious manner : ‘ When you have come to yourself enough to apologise , Peggy , I 'll see you upstairs in my room .
19 I had to fumble for the torch in the dark and work out for myself how to fix my bunk .
20 School taught me how to read early , and I found out for myself how to do it fast .
21 They were n't like other infantry , drilled to stand in line and fight until they fell or fled , but skirmishers , men of judgment and initiative , who had to decide for themselves when to fire , advance , retreat , surrender , or die .
22 Despite the security which full employment offers them , most workers would wish to be able to decide for themselves when to terminate any particular employment .
23 They want to arrange their own lunches , decide for themselves how to spend some days .
24 Rather than try to combine all individual reports of unmet need into a county-wide planning process , the council has split its records into two types : the individual care assessment , where care managers decide for themselves how to record needs , and a more formal , anonymous sample of 10 per cent of service users , which can be used for planning .
25 Continually there is value in the teacher telling the story whilst the class are doing it ; everybody works at one and the same time , discovering for themselves how to do each thing .
26 It was disconcerting for visitors to primary schools to see teachers , who had declined to teach their pupils the multiplication tables , hoping to get them to discover for themselves how to count up books , conveniently arranged round the room in groups of four .
27 The thought crossed her mind that perhaps they were burying her , and she silently shouted at herself not to think that , even though it was the most natural supposition she could make .
28 This more dynamic model of natural relationships would become an integral part of Darwin 's thinking , but it was not by itself enough to convert him to evolutionism .
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