Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] well it " in BNC.

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1 The idea is to compare a store 's performance not just with its historical record , but with some more objective measure of how well it should be doing .
2 The survival of the 1947 constitution without major change since the US occupation ended , is taken as evidence of how well it fits with the attitudes and expectations of contemporary Japan .
3 If you ca n't hear me at the back because my voice drops from time to time then shout away because I 'm not always aware of how well it carries .
4 Smith 's application of Smelser 's model is forced to rely on an assortment of different examples and there is little sense of how well it applies to separate case studies .
5 If a firm is operating in a good , competitive market then , notwithstanding the problems associated with accounting measurements , profit does give an indication of how well it produced goods : the market was willing to pay more for the finished goods than it cost the firm to produce them , if the firm made a profit .
6 ‘ I felt I never got a chance there , but I have been given the chance at Norwich and I 'm very pleased with how well it has gone . ’
7 In these sorts of circumstances , the teacher 's predominant practical concern is not with the learning experiences of individual students , but with the overall ‘ instructional flow ’ of the lesson with how well it is proceeding to its intended conclusion and maintaining order as it does so .
8 There is not , as we might have expected , a simple decline in how well it remembers as time passes .
9 Once you have decided your policy and put it in place , keep an eye on how well it 's working .
10 The success of a brood parasite like the European cuckoo depends on how well it can ‘ dupe ’ its host , whether reed warbler or dunnock .
11 On reflection , the catering industry may well be much better off as a result of the Government 's proposals for a self-regulatory approach , but it all depends at the end of the day on how well it gets its act together , using Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment systems to identify the problem areas .
12 If " Creole " is a second dialect rather than a second language , delaying its acquisition until adolescence will still have a limiting effect on how well it can be learned .
13 They 've shown opposition to the introduction of L M S right from the start and put every obstacle possible in the way of its success , and its implementation , and yet there they were congratulating themselves on how well it was working .
14 First , I shall look at the philosophy underlying the 1981 Act and examine the evidence as to how well it is working in practice .
15 Each member of the audience would then have the task in the playback group of giving each item points , say on a scale from one to five , according to how well it achieved its aim .
16 That , at least is the assumption , but there have been disagreements about how well it works .
17 These are not positive issues about how the economy works but normative issues about how well it works .
18 And I heard a lot about how well it worked last time . ’
19 Today we 'll talk about the Oxford City Council and look at how well it 's run , or how well it 's not run .
20 It 'll be judged by how well it 's written and what people think of it .
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