Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A Kha-Khan did not ask ; he commanded , and it was left simply for everyone else to obey .
2 Next I ask myself , does one congratulate oneself on getting married or not ? — or is that left for everyone else to do ?
3 It was Greg Carey , and as if his entrance was a cue for everyone else to appear , the Christmas Eve cocktail party was in full swing within ten minutes .
4 He is content for everyone else to have their say first , though his everyday associates and friends respect his views too much to let him get away with that too often .
5 And there were plenty left over for everyone else to have a taste , too .
6 There may conceivably be cases where it is all right for someone willingly to allow themselves to be treated as a means .
7 Organization can help to overcome the isolation , the loneliness , all too often felt by the would-be innovatory teacher , the need for someone else to talk things over with , plan with , compare notes with .
8 I 'm not sure , but I just thought , I 'm just paying for someone else to go on that holiday .
9 Preferably you can arrange for someone else to do these jobs for you .
10 Some of them are reluctant to ask visiting relatives , who may already be doing shopping for them , to run extra errands , such as taking prescriptions to the chemist or clothes to the launderette or dry cleaners , changing their library books and collecting their pension ; so it is always as well to check to make sure that you are meeting these needs , or arranging for someone else to do so .
11 Well , I reckon so , so I I 've arranged for someone else to do it now .
12 One of the biggest problems in desktop publishing is that to archive a finished newsletter or whatever takes up an entire floppy disk for one issue — and it 's even worse if you want to squirt the thing down the wire for someone else to print out .
13 He ran the trolley down to the corridor 's end and left it there for someone else to pick up and use , and then he doubled back and started to walk the distance to the locker room .
14 Elizabeth waited for a moment as though for someone else to open the door and then rose and went to do so herself .
15 It 's always easier for someone else to see where you 've missed the point .
16 If something needed doing Eva Burrows did n't look around for someone else to see to it .
17 Subba Row , also the chairman of Surrey and a former England and Northamptonshire batsman , will remain a powerful voice but clearly wishes for someone else to take the responsibility for the hazards to come .
18 ‘ Perhaps the time has come for someone else to take on the burden .
19 I have some wonderful memories which I will always cherish but it is time for someone else to take over .
20 I used an inadequate metaphor of ‘ face ’ and ‘ mask ’ , suggesting that performing is more akin to creating a mask for someone else to look at .
21 Of course , keeping a pet , any pet , means that you can not go on holiday without making arrangements for someone else to look after it .
22 If you plan to go abroad , then clearly you will need to make arrangements for someone else to look after your dog while you are away from home .
23 Certainly the worst way to come to terms happily with being alone is to struggle constantly against it , always waiting for someone else to come along and take away our loneliness .
24 Yet the address was correct ; maybe there was a relative — a sister-in-law or another daughter perhaps — living there … but in that case the phone should still be working and there would be no need to arrange for someone else to come in to pick up the post .
25 Although urged by his party to remain , he thought , like a decent democrat , that it was time for someone else to have a go , and he retired at the time of the 1987 General Election .
26 Interviewed on BBC Radio Four 's Today programme , Swales said : ‘ I would love to keep going , but I realise it is probably time for someone else to have a go .
27 I was about to take off my load and leave the heap of pine-needles for someone else to find in the morning when I saw a figure approaching in the distance .
28 Batty 's other great strength is controling the ball , no matter how fast or high it is he brings it down with his chest or foot so he can lay it off for someone else to make a defence splitting pass .
29 A weapon for someone else to fire ? ’
30 But to have him sitting beside him , looking his followers over in silence and courteously waiting for someone else to speak first — this was a situation beyond Hazel 's experience .
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