Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] she [modal v] " in BNC.

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31 She had an exact estimation of herself ; she knew what she could accomplish now , and was certain of what she would be capable later .
32 She stood a better chance , she thought , upon her own : though a chance of what she would not have liked to have said .
33 He moved cautiously now , unused to the preludes , unsure of what she would expect .
34 She decided to remain where she was until she could be sure of what she would find outside the closed front door .
35 Robyn clutched the receiver and found she did n't have the first idea of what she would say when he answered it .
36 Jabbing violently forward , with no thought whatsoever of what she would do if she actually hit him , she did n't even notice where he was retreating until it was too late .
37 As she got into her car , she pushed away the worrying question of what she would do if she found evidence that implicated Veronica in the murder of Hugh Puddephat .
38 His voice was pure seduction , drawing her deeper and deeper into the spell of passion , and she shook her head with a desperation born of fear — fear not of him but of what she would do if he continued this heady , drugging assault on her senses .
39 What a damn shame , he thought , what a tragedy that she was a woman instead of what she ought to have been .
40 These penalties , to be sure , fell far short of what she might have expected for speaking out in Stalin 's Russia , which she had continued to admire for far longer than many people .
41 She did not begin to think of what she might say to Kathleen .
42 Picking Benny up gently he cradled his head in his lap , conscious of his-mother standing in the garden , her hand over her mouth as if terrified of what she might find .
43 But still , for week after week , she never dared see if she was right , because she was afraid of what she might find within .
44 He wanted to tell her the whole story then , but he was afraid of what she might think .
45 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
46 ‘ Perhaps Mistress Hopkins was murdered simply because of what she might know . ’
47 ‘ That poor old woman was murdered , ’ Benjamin declared , ‘ not because she had said or done anything wrong but simply because of what she might know .
48 Quite frankly , she was terrified of what she might see .
49 She hoped that she would not disgrace herself by fainting , or by being unable to help him through fear or disgust of what she might be seeing .
50 Fran forced herself to sound cool and friendly , to betray no hint of the fear twisting her heart at the thought of what she might discover .
51 But once at the School , in his own place and with his daily occupation , he began to think again of this dream woman , and added to the old notion of what she should be , which Diana had personified , was an idea of her as his rescuer , as someone who would save him and make him whole again .
52 and thought of what she should do next , without this view , without the solace of a yearly grant , without the irreproachable ( or now , through custom , irreproachable ) excuse of study .
53 Her Finals were approaching , and she had no idea of what she should do next , and indeed did not dare to think about the future for she knew that it offered her little in the way of readily acceptable projects .
54 She felt suddenly uncomfortable , unsure of what she should do or say next .
55 She had not the least idea of what she should do next , other than perhaps to fasten the strange garment about her waist .
56 He could n't bear to think of what she must be suffering .
57 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
58 It is a common problem for a woman to undervalue herself , being aware only of what she can not , rather than what she can , do .
59 The student is informed of what she will be expected to do after she has learned the concept .
60 That statement is also an apt description of what she will be asked to do at NIST .
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