Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] she might " in BNC.

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1 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
2 She held the bag between them , suddenly not daring to put it down in case it signalled something , the consequences of which she might regret .
3 These penalties , to be sure , fell far short of what she might have expected for speaking out in Stalin 's Russia , which she had continued to admire for far longer than many people .
4 She did not begin to think of what she might say to Kathleen .
5 Picking Benny up gently he cradled his head in his lap , conscious of his-mother standing in the garden , her hand over her mouth as if terrified of what she might find .
6 But still , for week after week , she never dared see if she was right , because she was afraid of what she might find within .
7 He wanted to tell her the whole story then , but he was afraid of what she might think .
8 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
9 ‘ Perhaps Mistress Hopkins was murdered simply because of what she might know . ’
10 ‘ That poor old woman was murdered , ’ Benjamin declared , ‘ not because she had said or done anything wrong but simply because of what she might know .
11 Quite frankly , she was terrified of what she might see .
12 She hoped that she would not disgrace herself by fainting , or by being unable to help him through fear or disgust of what she might be seeing .
13 Fran forced herself to sound cool and friendly , to betray no hint of the fear twisting her heart at the thought of what she might discover .
14 Despite what she might say , Laura — who was definitely a typical Leo lady — clearly appreciated hearing her virtues praised .
15 She made between 70 and 90 blouses a week which , despite the low rate of pay , compares well with what she might have got as a part-time worker in a sweat shop , the most likely alternative .
16 Maria turned clear eyes , golden-brown tonight , on Luke and said what needed to be said , eschewing preamble , cleverness and a host of other possible costumes in which she might have dressed it up .
17 At the same time , in contrast to earlier eras , the housework is more likely to be carried out in isolation , without reference to others or without any external standard of comparison from which she might derive status or recognition for her particular skills as a cook or a housewife .
18 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
19 Biting in what she might have said , she stood , and strode over to the door .
20 She wanted to turn tail and run and keep on running away from him , away from what she might discover , away from what could only break her heart , yet she knew that was impossible .
21 How strange that from all the many places to which she might have been drafted , chance had come up with Ardneavie .
22 Having ignored her for forty minutes whilst they failed to answer questions about Amy to which she might know the answer , Theodora might perhaps have been forgiven for telling them nothing .
23 So suddenly fatherless , and so abruptly given to a husband , translated from the familiar company of her sisters at Brecon to this barbarous foreign court where she was the last and loneliest of the children , Isabella had looked round her forlornly for an anchorage to which she might ride in safety .
24 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
25 She suggests that children who score low on both comprehension and production may be immature or mentally retarded , although no explanation is provided as to what she might mean by these terms .
26 I kid you not , I had not a clue as to what she might be talking about .
27 I felt she had n't been thinking about Charlie at all — except as an inspiration — but that , like me , she 'd been dwelling on what she might do in the world .
28 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
29 And then he became even more worried about what she might get up to with a lover .
30 She always has been , and me and Lily get worried about what she might get up to .
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