Example sentences of "[prep] [be] taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both are to be taken via a nebuhaler ( he has excellent technique ) .
2 This would allow 2 x 2 weeks holidays to be taken per year for ( 1 ) plus 1 x 1 weeks holiday to be taken per year for ( 2 ) .
3 This would allow 2 x 2 weeks holidays to be taken per year for ( 1 ) plus 1 x 1 weeks holiday to be taken per year for ( 2 ) .
4 The figure related to the costs of the previous year 's bid defence against the hostile takeover attempt by Whyte & Mackay and had to be taken above the line as a result of the FRS 3 accounting rule .
5 From the beginning of the fourth year , and especially for as long as pupils were legally free to leave school at the end of that year , very much more definite choices were made : ‘ Newsom ’ courses for those who were to leave , examination courses for most of the rest , with many decisions then to be taken about which subjects to drop , and which to pursue .
6 Decisions also have to be taken about the admission of students : how many and on what basis ?
7 Decisions had to be taken about which information was best presented in the form of bar-charts , and which was more suited to pie-charts or line graphs .
8 Electronic publishing software is upgraded , on average , every 18 months and decisions need to be taken about how , and when , to carry out these and what training to provide .
9 And finally , as you will know , there is a new Criminal Justice Act which will be coming through , there are new steps that are going to be taken about juvenile offenders .
10 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
11 It feeds on a wide variety of fish — 43 different species are known to be taken as prey .
12 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
13 Their descriptions seem sufficiently close to one another to be taken as descriptions of the same divine being .
14 There is a place for the social PTA ‘ faggots and peas evening ’ or ten pin bowling at the George and Dragon , though it needs to be understood by all that attendance by staff at such social evenings is purely a matter of personal choice and not to be taken as an indicator of loyalty to the school .
15 In both cases decisions may have to be taken as a result of the information collected .
16 Similarly , the hero of The Prelude is taken from the ‘ educational processes ’ of the Lake District , Cambridge and so on , which take up the first half of the poem , and engages with society and history in the conflicts of the French Revolution ; the Revolution is not to be taken as a purely fortuitous occurrence , but the main event of the time , that which separates off the Modern Age from all that had gone before .
17 By 1819 , if Shelley is to be taken as a reliable guide , Wordsworth 's stock had gone down and down : ‘ He was at first sublime , pathetic , impressive , profound ; then dull ; then prosy and dull ; and now dull — oh so very dull ! it is an ultra-legitimate dulness ’ ( Dedication to Peter Bell the Third ) .
18 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
19 But the area office files also carry ‘ white ’ information , in the form of the date and the sum involved in any potential transaction when they have been consulted on behalf of the member ; also the customer 's occupation , and an outline of any transaction actually made with the customer ( though members may not report this to UAPT ; so the note of sums involved in potential transactions which have been the subject of previous inquiries tend to be taken as indications of credit arrangements which have actually been entered in )
20 Similarly , checklists completed by a teacher may not provide reliable information with respect to the child 's use of language at home and information provided by a parent , on the basis of the child 's abilities at home , ought not to be taken as an indication of the child 's performance in other settings .
21 The domestically-oriented , nurturing talk of the miner 's wife , by contrast , is more likely to be taken as a product of her nature or her role than as a culturally-determined genre , and it is seen as something she shares with all other women .
22 It is , however , the financial losses of retirement from the labour force that seem usually to be taken as the key to the involuntary shift from independence to dependency in old age .
23 Thus , in the Induction to The Taming of the Shrew — a unique example of a play outside the play , not to be taken as a measure by which the rest of the play must be dismissed for lacking seriousness — the tinker Christopher Sly , brought back in a drunken stupor to the house of a mischievous lord , is deceived into thinking that he is really a gentleman .
24 These claims were never universally accepted ; the destruction of the unity of Christendom by the Reformation helped to undermine the authority of the Pope to allocate territory , but it was Catholic France that first challenged Spain 's position in the West Indies and that conflict had been going on for some years when in 1559 , at the end of one round of European wars , France and Spain included in the peace treaty a clause which stated that fighting in regions west of the Azores or south of the Tropic of Cancer was not to be taken as a reason for resuming hostilities in Europe .
25 Wilkins had implied that the Bible was not to be taken as a scientific text since the Holy Spirit had used a form of words comprehensible to the common man .
26 The caveat , to state it simply , is that it is to be taken as a view of only our conception of what can be called standard effects : all those where the effects are not decisions , choices , like mental acts of persons , or ensuing actions .
27 However , it is not to be taken as part of the definition of a causal circumstance that it must include more than one element — more than one condition , event , individual property or whatever .
28 This statement does not have to be taken as gospel to be of use .
29 However a great deal of casual conversation contains phrases and echoes of phrases which appear more to be intended as contributions to a conversation than to be taken as instances of information-giving .
30 In making an apology one accepts blame for what has happened , but at the same time one tries to convince the injured party if there happens to be one , or the world at large if not , that the error is not to be taken as representative of the real self .
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