Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [art] information " in BNC.

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1 The enabling technologies for such an information and communications centre are already more or less in place .
2 Of all the information available on species composition of predator diets , the most useful for the palaeontologist is that relating solely to species diversity .
3 This is because 40 per cent of all the information that is taken in through the eyes is for balance alone .
4 And the value of the information students find is guaranteed ; experienced teachers of business English were involved closely in researching , devising the format , and writing the dictionary , and a professional adviser was used to check the technical accuracy of all the information on business and finance .
5 The question or why an accident occurred , when an investigator is in possession of all the information as to what occurred , inevitably brings him into the troubled waters of ‘ human factors ’ .
6 Get hold of all the information about after sales service and warranty deals .
7 This involves the removal of typesetting codes , removal of errors , and the identification and labelling of all the information such that it can be easily accessed without detailed knowledge of the formatting conventions [ Byrd et al , 1987 ] .
8 Get hold of all the information about after sales service and warranty deals .
9 Think of all the information your eyes collect for you as you walk in the street , talk to someone , catch a train , read a newspaper , take part in a meeting .
10 They need to be reminded that this is a start-up situation so that they start to do any analysis in the context of all the information available .
11 In view of all the information and advice that has been given during the course of this planning discussion , I 'm firmly of the opinion that sectors three , four and five do not fully comply with the requirement of P P G three .
12 I will give careful consideration to local authority budgets and make my capping decisions in the light of all the information available to me when I 've received it .
13 Well no , voting is when somebody goes to the polling booth they have to weigh all the pro 's and cons of all the information that they 've been told .
14 Faith immediately admitted that she finds a lot of advice about healthy eating plain confusing : ‘ It 's very difficult sifting through all the information that 's pushed at parents and weighing up what 's really important .
15 This in turn stems from the quite understandable confidentiality on commercial grounds imposed on CSM for all the information supplied to it by a drug firm .
16 From a consecutive series of 50 referral letters sent by general practitioners in Sunderland to the local department of child psychiatry , 15 items of information were identified that could account for all the information contained in the letters .
17 He had discussed it with his father seriously and with all the information to hand .
18 He said yesterday : ‘ The situation is difficult … and we 're going to have to tread very carefully about how we proceed , and it 's important that we do so with all the information that we can possibly have . ’
19 HELPLINE , the Institute 's computerised information service can provide busy managers with all the information they need via their own personal terminals .
20 Most of these things are done automatically when there is an accident , and the officials concerned are usually waiting with all the information ready to hand to the investigator when he arrives .
21 With all the information locked inside his head ? ’
22 What is the literary scholar to do with all the information to be found in the concordances and word-lists generated by the new technology ?
23 Armed with all the information , and with new recording and evaluation procedures , both nurseries began the long job of tackling specific issues raised .
24 If the hon. Gentleman will provide me with all the information , I shall examine the case .
25 Later my father decided it would be useful and character-forming for me to know all the measurements as well as he did , so I had to sit for hours with the Measurement Book ( a huge loose-leaf thing with all the information on the little stickers carefully recorded according to room and category of object ) , or go round the house with a jotter , making my own notes .
26 Now , we talked about attention as being a process whereby we could explain how it is that , with all the information that we receive , or our senses receive , that we only process part of it , and we saw that within the information processing model .
27 Your solicitor will be your best friend during the claim process , so make sure you keep him supplied with all the information required and see that it is being filed promptly with the agency .
28 He said : ‘ The situation is difficult … and we 're going to have to tread very carefully about how we proceed , and it 's important that we do so with all the information that we can possibly have . ’
29 In the context of an infill project the competing contractors will be supplied with all the information they need to tender for the job but on a fixed price basis , including the total management of the contract and
30 Brian had his cholesterol test on er little bit of paper they give you with all the information it tells you the only oils you should use are erm olive oil and saffro saffrall
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