Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] make " in BNC.

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1 And at that moment their feeling for each other made all previous connections irrelevant .
2 Right because we 've picked that three sixty a penny for each degree makes it easy then no problem none of this messing about with fractions and all the cancelling and ooh dear , which is where all the hard part is that 's where all the hard work is this doing the fractions .
3 Thus , the views of the inspectorate are under-represented , especially when one considers that , except for relatively informal verbal comments through the Senior English Inspector , the General Inspectors for each school make no input at all , while all five DCSLs make lengthy written recommendations which are reinforced by the chairmanship of the ACL:E&SS .
4 For each bud make a shallow T-shaped cut in the stock so that the bark can be turned back .
5 The first way is for each department to make its own plans without much regard to the others .
6 The first is that , since it is difficult for each authority to make its decision within the framework of a general view of social needs and social capacity to pay , the total amount of taxation tends to be raised above what it would be in a more unified system .
7 The aim is to check that sufficient information has been gathered for each variable to make statistics upon them valid .
8 2 For each island make two lists : one of the good points ; the other of the bad points .
9 The physical demands of the play meant that he had to drink three pints of water off stage during each performance to make up for what he was losing on stage .
10 There were many others as well as myself put out or deprived of their parks about this time to make room for Webster [ the under factor for whom the house at Daill Farm was built ] .
11 ‘ Nothing about this situation makes me feel in the least happy , ’ she shot back at him .
12 Something about this suggestion made him acutely uncomfortable .
13 The extension of this waiver for another year made immediately available US$600 million in US credits and loan guarantees and , in the longer term , could pave the way to permanent MFN status for the Soviet Union .
14 The lysozyme was first noticed during some investigations made on a patient suffering from acute coryza … .
15 Her mother insisted the device was essential to stop her skin from stretching , but Jo merely saw it as another strategy to make her ugly .
16 But to Perdita they appeared curiously passive , sitting and waiting for some man to make them unhappy .
17 Isobel cast around in her mind for some comment to make .
18 He was older than the rest of us at Breakspear , you see , having tried for some years to make a go of a religious vocation before abandoning it in favour of teaching .
19 The existence of such a large ( see 12:37 ) alien group in his borderlands has for some time made Pharaoh uneasy .
20 Psion , creators of the first personal organiser , have for some time made plug-in modules available to provide dictionary and other data facilities .
21 A feeling of warm-up is definitely in the air ; a flexing of muscles that have not been stretched in public for some time makes up the first few minutes of Faust 's extraordinary set … and then all hell breaks loose !
22 This was the closest she had ever ventured to him , and she was forcefully aware of masculine warmth and cleanliness and an indefinable something else — an aura , almost — that for some reason made her nerve ends prickle warningly .
23 The deaf and dumb are profoundly grateful for this provision made on their behalf for their general welfare .
24 Thus having Broadlands to use for this purpose made life very much easier .
25 He misinterpreted the Act and he failed to allow himself to have the jurisdiction to deal in a flexible manner with the children , which is the whole purpose of the Act , and consequently it is for this court to make the order that it appears Judge Galpin would have liked to have made and felt impeded from so doing .
26 Yes , erm , I had in mind that , is there a seconder to that ? my own view is that erm , and that goes for most of the way for dealing with the problem , but I think it would be appropriate for this committee to make it clear that erm , any extension of the maximum aggregate for the current financial year will be met by an appropriate reduction or a corresponding reduction in the expenditure for ninety four ninety five , erm and I 'm not certain that that 's absolutely clear to the public or indeed to all members of
27 However , as I have already remarked , I do not consider that it would be appropriate for this House to make new law in this instance .
28 The general election therefore became an opportunity for this opinion to make itself felt .
29 Now write three goals for this family making sure that ( a ) they are objective and ( b ) they are independent of method .
30 If the accounts of British politics between 1832 and 1867 pointed to the sovereignty of Parliament , then the accounts that came to the fore after that period made the additional point that the sovereignty of the people was behind this and was now of the constitutional and political essence .
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