Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To my knowledge , cranks and dreamers have gone around talking about and looking for Homo superior ever since the primitive times when writers still used paper .
2 Through Easter coaching at The oval during the 1930s , at the hands of Alan Peach , and winter attendance at the Sandham-Gover indoor school , he improved his game , and first played for Surrey II when 20 .
3 The opposition National Peasants ' Party , Liberal Party and Social Democratic Party , together with student groups , had called a demonstration for Jan. 28 once again to protest against the planned NSF participation in the elections .
4 Colour prints from transparencies after April 1991 up to 20 ’ x 16 ’ .
5 Police appealed to shopkeepers in area who might have sold items to two men with Liverpool accents in week before and after April 27 when couple disappeared .
6 The ground became more accessible after June 1922 when Huddersfield Corporation started running buses direct to the south-west end .
7 During December three more EC countries completed ratification of the Maastricht Treaty , leaving only Denmark and the UK still to do so .
8 The enactment of the bill was planned for July 1990 following two months of public consultation .
9 A general meeting was called for December 1990 when a new constitution was to be adopted .
10 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
11 It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury 's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi .
12 Could a turkey with a sell-by date of Dec 27 really be off by Dec 25 ?
13 The ruling was described by Le Monde of March 5 as representing as serious setback for the conservative government of Prime Minister Jozsef Antall .
14 A total of 87 people , many of them immigrants from central America , died in the early hours of March 25 when fire swept through the unlicensed Happy Land social club in a slum district of the Bronx , in New York City .
15 During the remainder of the month there were frequent outbreaks of violence ; during the night of March 23-24 alone , 17 people were reported to have been killed .
16 In a wide ranging and at times overtly anti-communist speech , described by the Guardian of March 30 as " more measured and specific than any he has given for a long time " , Yeltsin pilloried central government policy , labelling perestroika the " last phase of the stagnation period " .
17 Komplektov , a veteran diplomat specializing in US affairs and a Deputy Foreign Minister since 1982 , was described by the Washington Post of March 20 as more conservative than Bessmertnykh , his predecessor in the post .
18 I am sure that you will have felt indeed did the diocese of Middlesbrough proud too ’ .
19 The effect of this was to make the personnel of the Court of Napoleon III somewhat heterogeneous , for many of the Orléanist nobility were prepared to use the Tuileries , consoling themselves with the thought that the Emperor 's half-brother , the Duke de Morny , was held still to be faithful to Orléanist principles .
20 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
21 The memorial is on the slopes of Hill 107 where the few remaining officers and 200 men of both squadrons including mechanics , armourers , clerks and cooks , fought as infantry alongide New Zealand soldiers .
22 No more than ten minutes ' walk from Celtic Crescent , in a wide drab street that was unserved by any tram route , its tall aspect , railed forecourt and large Star of David hewn out of the brickwork over the doors drew attention to its foreignness .
23 Major military conflict in the Gulf began on the night of Jan. 16-17 when forces of the United States-led international coalition in the Gulf launched an air offensive against Iraq .
24 It incorporated the deadline of Jan. 15 rather than Jan. 1 , which the USA had originally advanced as more desirable .
25 Le Monde of Jan. 15 also reported that Kuwait 's ambassador in Baghdad , held under house arrest since Aug. 2 , 1990 and suffering from heart problems , had been released at the request of King Hussein and given permission to leave Iraq .
26 Will you please attend for your C T examination on Tuesday the fourth of February nine o'clock , if you can not attend at this time please ring extension
27 The revolution of February 1917 further aggravated this situation and brought about disruption of industry .
28 The Import Duties Bill of February 1932 also imposed a general tariff of 10 per cent on almost all imports , and the Import Duties Advisory Committee , which it formed quickly , raised the tariff to 20 per cent on manufactured goods , to between 25 and 30 per cent on luxury goods and to 33 per cent on chemicals and a wide range of other goods .
29 As we saw in the last chapter the anointed king of Israel was equipped with the Spirit to enable him to carry out his work ; hence the expectation of Isaiah 11:1 ff that the Messiah would also be equipped , in fuller measure , with that Spirit .
30 This was finally achieved on the fifth of July 1948 when the Labour Government implemented the Beveridge Report .
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