Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 Imagination was in short supply , and the poverty of yesterday had been banished from their memories , the happy-go-luckiness along with the hardships .
2 She could almost smell the rich fermentation of silage like there 'd been around parts of Ecoville , or the green alkali of the air-plants .
3 April , who until now had been just sitting there , at this point , to give her her due , showed symptoms of unease .
4 This line effectively opened up the southern reaches of West Ham which until then had been deserted marshland , and focused attention on Stratford as a centre of railway activity .
5 Worse , the decision briefly poisoned relations between Niki and James , which until then had been well within the bounds of friendly competition .
6 Stamford was killed : in the 1850s its population , which until then had been rising steadily , actually began to fall .
7 We heard them settling down in the next room which until then had been empty .
8 The reform , which came into force on Jan. 1 , 1990 , allowed the option of civil marriage and provided for family law courts to rule on divorce cases which until then had been decided by church courts .
9 The resolution of this issue , which until then had been a major sticking point [ see pp. 37259 ; 37303 ; 37379 ; 37466 ; 37535 ] , paved the way for the resolution of outstanding issues in the third round of " two-plus-four " talks on July 17 .
10 The National Assembly was dissolved , and Cape Verde members withdrew from the single party , the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde ( Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde — PAIGC ) , which until then had been the ruling party in both countries .
11 At first I thought that was why the police wanted him , because the sort of way we were thinking in there had been definitely subversive , I mean they do n't teach you that in school eh !
12 The pious hush in there had been too much for them .
13 Cattle in there had been taken out before our arrival . ’
14 This document revealed that ever since her father 's death , Miss Honey had in fact been the rightful owner of a property on the edge of the village known as The Red House , which until recently had been occupied by a Miss Agatha Trunchbull .
15 Then , a New York collector paid a record $1.2 million ( £657,500 ) for ‘ Femme assise en blouse roumaine ’ , a drawing by Henri Matisse that until recently had been part of the private collection of New York dealer William Acquavella .
16 Many communities had become sharply divided as a result of the way the penal laws had been enforced at the local level , and understandably Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours who until recently had been the agents of their destruction .
17 The galley now limping to landward had been bait .
18 About half of these had been won from the moderate middle-class parties and were augmented by the vote of about 6 million new voters , half of whom were young people voting for the first time , and the other half of whom were people who up to now had been too weary , cynical or lacking in hope to vote at all .
19 Even at seventeen , which up to now had been the high point of her existence , the passions raised had not one tithe of the sizzling fire that had been generated by Benedict .
20 It was a ballad that since then had been sung and played in the streets and pubs of Ireland .
21 A couple of months earlier , Buhler had been introduced to Coleman by Marshall Lee Miller in Washington , and since then had been urging Shaughnessy to talk to Coleman because he had ‘ a great deal of interesting information concerning the crash of Flight 103 ’ .
22 The playground , which up to then had been filled with shrieks and the shouting of children at play , all at once became silent as the grave .
23 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
24 But at least the mystery was nearing a solution — even if she had no idea why Luke Hunter should want to go out to dinner with a woman whose sole contact with him up till now had been violently centred somewhere round the solar plexus .
25 The only representative of the species I 'd met till then had been Jean Carmichael , with her hairy legs , head for hard liquor , and golden heart .
26 We sailed across the Aegean to Izmir , which till recently had been called Smyrna ; and the captain told me how , a few years earlier , as he entered the port , his ship had nosed her way through the floating corpses of Greeks massacred by the Turks .
27 The risk of denying all of these at once had been painfully clear in 833 .
28 The years had been reasonably kind to Katherine Lundy — or at least had been until she had begun drinking heavily .
29 It would now be too late to force the abolition of plural voting on the House of Lords before the next general election ; something at least had been achieved .
30 So , Mavis at least had been getting a good earful .
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