Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] down to " in BNC.

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2 Green sometimes accompanied by his wife , was often in Keswick on business ( he would set off walking from Ambleside , and be picked up by the carrier at Wyburn ) and would call to visit his children , and take them out for walks down to Derwentwater .
3 that 's disgraceful that yeah and so that was from erm Street down to the and down the back so it would n't take , did n't take him a couple of minutes down to the mission
4 The BGS publishes a ‘ Catalogue of Printed Maps ’ which lists the availability of maps down to 1:25 000 scale .
5 There is limited parking at Belle Vue ( SE343197 ) beside the Calder & Hebble Navigation ( April 84 guide ) which ends at Fall Ing Lock , below which are a flight of steps down to a convenient platform .
6 At the end of the promenade they could take a flight of steps down to rocks that were slippery with seaweed , and clamber over them until they reached the shingle .
7 Keep the number of witnesses down to five or six .
8 I often think that perhaps putting the hub of the sails in , more or less in the centre of the picture perhaps , not the best place , but I think because in this case , we 've got a lot of trees down to the bottom here .
9 ‘ I cleared out my wardrobe at the weekend — and took a stack of clothes down to Oxfam . ’
10 It so happens that the names Upehull , Upsall and Upshall occur in the records of one very small village — the first in a lay subsidy roll of 1327 , the second in a manorial court roll of November 1550 , and the third in a number of documents down to the latest twentieth-century electoral rolls .
11 of women down to 21 per cent .
12 ‘ Tulagai , if you do n't want to go you can always stay here and run caravans of supplies down to the escarpment camp .
13 News coverage tends to reduce the complex process of strikes down to a single issue .
14 Cunningly , the museum has narrowed the range of exhibits down to examples of design that are either quirky , avant-garde , or bourgeois pickings from the delightful realms of popular culture : all the things that the liberal design establishment like to have around their personage .
15 Leaving aside the unresolved problem that this raises , the significant fact from the point of view of the present discussion is that bituminous coals with ranks down to medium volatile grade occur in South Wales and Kent , and as low as high volatile grade in South Wales and Somerset immediately to the north of the Variscan Front , and appear to be disappearing beneath it .
16 To the north of the campus are the Residences , beautifully situated with views down to the mouth of the river and the distance Donegal hills .
17 To the north of the campus are the Residences , beautifully situated with views down to the mouth of the river and the distant Donegal hills .
18 Returning to the main road , which is very good , we cross the plateau and pass a small reservoir on the left-hand side with views down to the south side of the island and the sea .
19 He opened the door of a big airy room with views down to the great river itself .
20 Now , curved raised bed surround the garden , built in red brick paving , with steps down to an area where a table and chairs catch all the available sun .
21 And er wash the cups and And he used to have to go running er down with messages down to or down to the head office rather that we had an office in where where our fitting shop was where there was a draughtsman 's office .
22 Organised by the same curator as the Bagatelle exhibition , Solange Auzias de Turenne , ‘ Moore Intime ’ features a life-size reconstruction of rooms from Moore 's house , ‘ Hoglands ’ , complete with contents down to the books in the same order as the artist left them in the bookcases , and items from his art collection which served as inspiration for his work .
23 However , with recorders down to less than £8,000 it does n't take much arithmetic to work out that a company turning over 2,000 slides a year will come close to being better off with its own camera .
24 The race will take Mark and Philip 30 days and 8,000 miles deep into the Arctic Circle with temperatures down to minus 10 ; the focus of their ambitions ; to get into the winning frame .
25 On a recent visit we learned of a ‘ rat run ’ from nests down to the stream — through hedges , across the road , all well established .
26 So it was that Ms Wainwright found herself manhandling ( if that 's the word ) the seven-by-four polystyrene boards across the frozen Alaskan wastes , often in the teeth of gale force winds and in temperatures down to -40°C .
27 The secret of Spanish stagnation had long been sought in the excessive size of the ‘ unproductive classes ’ , from grandees down to vagrant schoolmasters .
28 in the tank we have two Channel cats ( 22″ and 9″ ) , 9 Koi ( from 22″ down to 10″ ) , plus two Shubunkin and Rude ( 7″ ) .
29 To complete the uniformity of the pile , one of the wheels is fitted with an electric motor which when activated manually will pull back the elevator from the heap in increments down to 25mm ( 1in ) .
30 Perhaps now we 'll see a happier Oval under a manager who 's prepared to clear out the old guard from ex-stalwarts down to assistant kitman .
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