Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the aim would be for employers to back this decision with the offer of future employment once the education or training course had been completed .
2 ( A distinction between attitudes to housework and child-care is a different matter from a temporal merging of the two activities . )
3 By defining poverty as starvation and destitution , he was able to claim that not many people in Britain are poor and that those who argue the case for improvements to welfare provision , ‘ the poverty lobby and the media ’ , are really intent on furthering their socialist aims through calling Western material capitalism a failure .
4 Many would argue that important public services are already underfunded and there is a constant demand for improvements to infrastructure on which the performance of the economy depends .
5 Many would argue that important public services are already underfunded and there is a constant demand for improvements to infrastructure on which the performance of the economy depends .
6 They are guidelines , there are no final decisions to be taken in terms of the implementation of a number of these , but this is the Committee 's opportunity to view those in detail and make its recommendations through proposals to Policy and Resources Committee and on to Council .
7 Miss Bellamy gave examples of projects supported by the initiative team such as improvements to grassland areas which could be turned into wildlife areas if managed correctly leaving uncut grass around recreation areas will encourage wild flowers , which will attract insects , birds and small mammals .
8 I feel it is high time B/T were called to account over their disgraceful policy of charging premium rate for calls to mountain weather forecasts like Climbline and Mountaincall .
9 The close connection between politics and revenue patronage made it difficult for superiors to discipline officers who stepped out of line , and even when an officer was actually dismissed he could , and did , fight to secure his reinstatement by pulling political strings .
10 The new features in Version 5.5 include a ‘ what you see is what you get ’ preview facility and extends its support for fonts to dot matrix printers .
11 Yet though disco has never been short of ‘ Push push in the bush ’ and ‘ Ring My Bell ’ sentiments , voices of doom , correction , ‘ positive ’ lifestyle and spiritual inspiration have always reacted as counter-insurgents to disco 's erotic , dervish thrust .
12 Look out for signs to Federation Cup Park and Ride at city approaches .
13 It is now possible , in England and Wales , for solicitors to practice in partnership with RFLs in an MNP , and for solicitors and RFLs to own shares in ( and by directors of ) an RB .
14 In the communist world in the long years before collapse all concessions to the market were resisted as concessions to capitalism ; they were inconsistent with the accepted principles of socialism .
15 Requests for adaptations to classroom lighting or for individual lamps can not sensibly be made until the principles are understood .
16 Limitations on the amount recoverable for loss of life ( some £38,000 under the 1974 Athens Convention ) and for losses to cargo and vehicles show that the haulier has to be very careful when undertaking operations involving cross-channel ferries .
17 The essence of the proposal was a request to the ILEA for funds to second one of the school 's teaching staff for a period of seven terms , and for support in obtaining an outside consultant , secretarial assistance , and advice from various agencies including the ILEA 's Research and Statistics personnel and university researchers .
18 Greater access for walkers to forest areas is beneficial not detrimental claimed the Forestry Commission ( FC ) at the launch of a booklet intended to persuade owners and managers to open up their woodland areas to the public .
19 ‘ One of them places where they have rooms for drivers to kip down for the night .
20 Until then the banks had been allowed to report profits after transfers to secret , inner reserves .
21 Now the Countryside Commission has published a consultative document on the issue of rural awareness and accessibility , its main aim being to increase the choices for visitors to country hotspots .
22 The reaction of some scholars to the question of ‘ coherence ’ is to search for cues to coherence within the text and this may indeed yield a descriptive account of the characteristics of some types of text .
23 A student who offered shopowners immunity from the activities of ragweek in return for donations to charity was held by the trial judge not to have used menaces .
24 We were also impressed with the raising of teachers ' awareness through visits to library suppliers and book exhibitions and the replacement of " buying blind " through catalogues with a system of actually browsing and handling the available alternatives before making a choice .
25 Fazekas de St Groth calls his system ‘ ascites without the mouse ’ ; it is based on a method used for decades to Brow bacteria in suspension .
26 They have to be inferred usually from some form of verbal behaviour , such as responses to attitude scales , or to questionnaire items .
27 A recent study on patients who were selected because of changes in warning symptoms associated with the change of insulin species found no differences between responses to hypoglycaemia induced by porcine or human insulin .
28 These demonstrations were organised by the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement , and their actions illustrate one of the major differences between responses to unemployment in the 1920s and 1930s and current responses .
29 There is often a kind of tension between them : the stances for some forms of status ( for example , for masculinity ) may act as barriers to affection .
30 These are not necessarily forces for continuity but they may act as barriers to government attempts to impose a new line of policy .
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