Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] set up " in BNC.

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1 It is for employers to set up suitable pension arrangements for their employees .
2 It was made easier for companies to set up their own schemes and for the first time everyone would be given the right of a personal pension of their own .
3 Projects are often unsustainable , as the MOH has to finance the recurrent costs of activities set up by the project after the donor leaves .
4 It condemns us as lifelong victims of patterns set up in childhood , the unwilling prey of our devilish subconscious , the helpless captives of our ‘ character ’ or genetic make-up .
5 More directly relevant to our case is the fact that , through the acceptance of rules setting up authorities , people can entrust judgment as to what is to be done to another person or institution which will then be bound , in accordance with the dependence thesis , to exercise its best judgment primarily on the basis of the dependent reasons appropriate to the case .
6 In this novel , he argues , the particular pattern of frequencies sets up its own expectancies , and the consequence is that we can generalize beyond the text , and judge whether a particular non-occurring sentence would be appropriate to its " language " or not .
7 Fifty to eighty percent of my time goes to meetings , either with one of my engineers or in development meetings , or in planning functions , or — we have a series of meetings set up with this group since they provide a service to us — and oh , I do n't know — ten to twenty percent of my time [ is spent ] on the phone … and the rest of my time , either in filling out forms that I have to fill out or thinking , sometimes .
8 LIFFE was aware of plans to set up the DTB , and moved quickly to pre-empt its business in German long interest rates .
9 The Master Locksmiths Association has its roots in the early 1950s , when a group of craftsmen set up the Greater London Locksmiths Association .
10 During the First World War a number of Ministries set up regional offices and the newly created Ministry of Health set up nine regions — an experiment to be rudely terminated in 1921 as an economy measure .
11 The Society of Authors set up a powerful lobby , which convinced a Parliamentary Committee that the common law of obscene libel should be replaced by a modern statute which afforded some protection to meritorious literature .
12 So far the great bulk of archives set up to handle this material focus on collecting datasets created by research projects ( Doorn 1993 ; Lievesley 1993 ; Marker 1993 ; Nemeth 1993 ) .
13 CISCO is seeking division of the Official List into segments with categories of companies set up according to their market capitalisation .
14 The most recent review of quotas set up in March 1987 failed to conclude its review , and as a result the IMF board of governors requested fresh proposals for new quotas by April 1989 ; until that review the level of Fund quotas remained unchanged at SDR89.99 billion .
15 Nothing happened until , quite independently , a group of enthusiasts set up the Folly Fellowship in 1988 .
16 The council , after hearing reports of commissions set up to canvass popular opinion , also firmly rejected a return to a multiparty system .
17 Horror stories are rife of ex-cons setting up their own security companies , with all the obvious risks that entails .
18 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
19 Sixty alleged Palestinian informers or collaborators had been killed by August 1989 , as the Israeli Defence Force ( IDF ) and Shin Bet ( the Israeli secret police ) increased their use of informers to set up paramilitary groups working alongside Palestinian collaborators .
20 In permitting the bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne to set up a mint in 864 , the king acknowledged difficulties in suppling the new currency .
21 The fact is , I work in the National Health Service , and regardless of what the media or politicians may say , the reforms are costing millions of pounds setting up a system which is not working .
22 Only rarely , therefore , can we identify examples of agencies set up explicitly to circumvent problems of this kind .
23 Nearly all territories operated strict laws governing the right of Africans to set up newspapers .
24 The Ozone Trends Panel , a working party of scientists set up in 1986 by NASA , has calculated a three per cent depletion in stratospheric ozone on a global level since 1969 .
25 These stamina exercises are supplemented by a programme of exercises set up by the instructor in the dojang .
26 Paul 's donor was found by the Anthony Nolan Trust , a register of donors set up by Shirley Nolan when her 7 year old son died from a rare bone marrow disease before a donor could be found .
27 Well the there was a new machinery of negotiations set up .
28 In the sixties , the Medau Society greatly expanded its training provision , and Edith was in the van of courses set up farther afield , travelling regularly to Norfolk , Leeds , the South West and many other venues .
29 Finally , the ruling only applies to members of schemes set up after 13 March 1989 , and to new employees joining existing schemes from 1 June 1989 .
30 Capped employees include those who are members of schemes set up after the 1989 Budget or who joined any final salary scheme after 1 June 1989 .
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