Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You could also look to outside advisory agencies for assistance , such as employers ' associations , training organizations , and specialized bodies for articles and literature such as the British Institute of Management , or the Institute of Personnel Management .
2 Thus the criminal law defines only some types of avoidable killing as murder : it excludes , for example , deaths resulting from acts of negligence , such as employers ' failure to maintain safe working conditions in factories and mines ( Swartz 1975 ) ; or deaths resulting from an organization 's reluctance to maintain appropriate safety standards ( Erickson 1976 ) ; or deaths which result from governmental agencies ' giving environmental health risks a low priority ( Liazos 1972 ) ; or deaths resulting from drug manufacturers ' failure to conduct adequate research on new chemical compounds before embarking on aggressive marketing campaigns ( Silverman and Lee 1974 ) ; or deaths from a dangerous drug that was approved by health authorities on the strength of a bribe from a pharmaceutical company ( Braithwaite and Geis 1981 ) ; or deaths resulting from car manufacturers refusing to recall and repair thousands of known defective vehicles because they calculate that the costs of meeting civil damages will be less ( Swigert and Farrell 1981 ) ; and in most jurisdictions deaths resulting from drunken or reckless people driving cars with total indifference to the potential cost in terms of human lives are also excluded .
3 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
4 The aim of the project is to obtain basic information about employers ' policies and practices in the recruitment and management of the work-force , and in particular to establish how far such policies and practices have changed in recent years .
5 The probable significance of all this is that it is mistaken to attempt to generalize about employers ' attitudes to young workers .
6 Later Friedman ( 1975 ) shifted position somewhat in that he allowed for employers ' mistakes concerning the behaviour of the real wage rate : the ex post real wage need never deviate from its market clearing value for fluctuations in the level of employment around its natural value to occur .
7 The proposal is for employers ' contributions to begin on the first pound of earnings .
8 In practice , the proprietary liquids which are used in the pressure-vacuum impregnation of timber against fungal attack also contain insecticides and effectively identical products are available through builders ' merchants and DIY outlets for brush and spray application on site .
9 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
10 In the early 1920s she campaigned for widows ' pensions .
11 The initials CTC stand for Cyclists ' Touring Club .
12 As it is such an important programming tool , with such important consequences for musicians ' careers , it is worth understanding how the playlist is chosen .
13 The specialist field of old master drawings has received extremely detailed study ; the drawings are interesting both in their own right and as a means of knowing more about artists ' practices .
14 Those signed covered inter-parliamentary co-operation to avoid discrepancies between states ' legislation ; consultative meetings between heads of parliaments ; and two protocols ( i ) on an interparliamentary information service and ( ii ) on drawing up multilateral legislative acts .
15 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
16 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
17 Doubts have already been raised about the cost of the proposals , about possible legal difficulties and about shareholders ' willingness to play the role assigned to them by the APB .
18 Exhibitions are major arenas for spectators of art , as well as for artists ' struggles to achieve reputations and recognition .
19 He asked for and was sent Sketches of Anatomy for Artists ' Use , and struggled to teach himself the complexities of bones and muscles by endless copying .
20 The opposition will want copy fee notes , certainly in respect of major disbursements such as experts ' fees and counsels ' fees .
21 His father , who once appeared in the Evening Standard as Spurs ' Number One fan , did not consider such suspicious activities as sport , so one day when he was 17 Kasmin decided to get as far away from home as possible , and fled to New Zealand .
22 Nutt was noncommittal about riders ' protests .
23 All complaints about solicitors ' charges will in future be conciliated if possible , under proposals to be considered by The Law Society Council at its meeting on 15 July .
24 These recommendations are some of the conclusions of a wide-ranging review of the ways in which dissatisfaction about solicitors ' charges is handled .
25 Returning to our earlier theme , we notice there is a tradeoff for shareholders ' representatives in employing a manager .
26 12.6.2 No such machinery for experts ' decisions
27 They would learn that in this violent age , not one in 10,000 gives a damn for prisoners ' rights .
28 She campaigned for prisoners ' rights as secretary of the Women 's Prisoners ' Defence League from 1922 ; edited Prison Bars in 1937–8 ; and was the Republican party of Ireland candidate in the local government elections of 1936 .
29 Meanwhile , The Howard League is producing an Information Pack for prisoners ' families , giving advice on everything from the complexities of prison visiting to handling the strains of single parenthood .
30 First on most reformers ' lists would come the financial situation , with specific benefits for prisoners ' wives .
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