Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] back to " in BNC.

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1 He took Sir Bryan 's rejected set of clubs back to the caddie-master 's hut and then headed for the Tented Village .
2 So we can follow the history of life through the strata and trace the lineages of animals back to their beginnings by going deeper and deeper into the earth 's crust .
3 When they had enough they presented the food to Debbie who runs the home and nurses lots of animals back to health .
4 All this has reinforced a mood of debt reduction and rebuilding of savings back to levels that were broadly maintained throughout the 1960s and 1970s .
5 If only could have stayed behind to hear this being said , he could 've taken a lot of messages back to his friends in government .
6 I went a couple of years back to the Coe political launch , the only political journalist among a bunch of ‘ 'ere Seb , woss this then ? ’ tabloid sports mackintoshes .
7 Bringing the WSR 's total number of stations back to ten , Britain 's longest preserved railway can now boast as many operating stations in Somerset as British Rail once again !
8 The creation of a currency union by encouraging a shift of resources back to the manufacturing sectors is likely to result in an increase of the average productivity growth rate of member countries and , again , in a decline of their respective natural rates of unemployment .
9 Hammocks were comfortable , secure and private Iain MacLaren 's letter ( Points of View , 20 February ) about his experiences as a National Service army medical officer will no doubt bring a flood of memories back to many readers regarding those ‘ halcyon days ’ when they served Queen , or King and country .
10 It had n't taken her long to clear out her room at the nurses ' home this morning , and her father had come over at lunch to take several boxes of things back to his suburban home for storage .
11 He traces his love of trains back to his great grandfather in the 1870's .
12 After his big concert , Van invited dozens of Soviets back to the hotel , where we ate chocolates and caviar and drank local champagne .
13 Oxfam is being urged to call off a charity pop concert because of fears it could attract thousands of travellers back to Castlemorton.Tickets are already on sale for the event although it has n't yet been granted a licence.Richard Barnett reports :
14 Oxfam has cancelled a charity pop concert amid fears that it would attract thousands of travellers back to the Malvern Hills , the scene of last month 's illegal Bank Holiday festival .
15 They ran like a group of children back to the house .
16 The police action brought thousands of protestors back to the centre of Bucharest .
17 There was a paymaster providing ready money to pay natives , and a signals officer controlling the flow of reports back to Australia and the incoming news of airdrops or bombing raids : essential organisation , for even the most independent force needed supplies , and these had to travel over hundreds of miles of mountain tracks before reaching some platoon areas .
18 Analysing the substantial drift of evacuees back to the danger areas , the Air Raid Precautions Co-ordinating Committee concluded that ‘ a detailed examination of available materials shows the basic cause to be the failure of the scheme to take account of either the viewpoint or the welfare of those concerned , be they evacuee or host ’ .
19 The decentralization towards the old industrial periphery marked a shift of jobs back to regions which since the 1930s had had dramatically higher unemployment rates than elsewhere .
20 If the employee has been working for you for up to eight weeks and does not have a linking letter or a Leaver 's statement , phone your Social Security office and ask if the start of the PIW you are dealing with links back to a claim to a Social Security benefit .
21 While there were many conflicts over all the new music ( and dance ) forms ( see , for example , Hustwitt 1983 ) , by the mid-1920s we can see the outlines of a new , laboriously constructed consensus , ‘ hotter ’ and radical elements squeezed out , new techniques smoothed and assimilated within a musical framework with links back to bourgeois traditions , socially centred on ‘ respectable ’ dancing and home-listening , and on traditional kinds of concert and opera-going ( see Frith 1983b ; 1988b ) .
22 in waves back to the sky
23 After this highlight we cycled on roads back to base and to a cream tea in Dorchester .
24 That would probably do little to bring so-called advances on royalties back to a more sensible level , but it might give the publisher some added stability , and therefore a greater incentive to put sustained effort into an author 's career .
25 As a precaution to the tour being cancelled , the Wallabies were booked on flights back to Australia via London .
26 The negotiations allowed Bouterse to adopt an increased political role at the expense of the civilian government , but on Feb. 14 , 1990 , he handed the mandate for negotiations back to the government claiming that the government was not supporting him fully .
27 Even though he was gagged , Mr Glenn managed to dial 999 and the call was traced by police back to the brasserie .
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