Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [Wh det] could " in BNC.

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1 The interviewer is trying to find out if you left your last job for reasons which could pose similar problems if you came to work with his/her firm .
2 ‘ So they are bitter about proposals which could leave them without a future .
3 The findings should provide the basis for proposals which could improve the GP-Patient consultation .
4 Within the year there was money made available for projects which could take the broad skills of a science like genetic manipulation and give them a saleable medical application .
5 Congress duly approved funding of $200 million , but subsequently objected to the Defense Department 's initial proposals for projects which could be supported by it .
6 Employers of young engineers face a double dilemma : a declining proportion of a reducing population opting for subjects which could lead to qualifications in science , technology and engineering .
7 For example , in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 Megaw LJ said : … it is appropriate that a covenant , restricting an employee from full freedom of taking other employment when he leaves his existing employment , should be included in the contract of employment where there is a real danger that the employee will in the course of that employment have access to and gain information about matters which could fairly be regarded as trade secrets ; and that applies even though the information may be carried in his head and even though ( perhaps , particularly though ) it may be extremely difficult for the employee himself , being an honest and scrupulous man , to realise that what he is passing on to his new employers is matter which ought to be treated as confidential to his old employers .
8 Having discussed the above ideas for the sites in an area , various analyses can then be tried out to examine the relationships between settlements which could have interesting and important implications .
9 What might be a set of values which could be useful ?
10 In addition some 20 items , including platinum , raw jute , and floppy diskettes for computers , were removed from the list of products which could only be imported by a government agency .
11 They produced an extremely effective report , which identified a large number of projects which could usefully be established to help Lanarkshire .
12 As the principal ratepayers in the locality — even after the de-rating of agricultural land in 1927 — they pursued a low rateflow expenditure policy and therefore were extremely reluctant to commit local authority expenditure to the building of houses which could become a burden on the rates .
13 There was no clear theory of jurisdiction and it was impossible to draw up a set of rules which could be used to predict when the courts would intervene .
14 There was , however , a greater awareness of the need to develop a framework of rules which could operate in the interests of the world community as a whole — against terrorism or narcotics , for instance — and a greater readiness to establish relations with traditionally conservative states , such as the Arab monarchies , as well as with those that claimed to adhere to Marxism-Leninism .
15 They considered , inter alia , the arguments in favour of a trial by jury in these cases ; whether there are types of cases which could be dealt with effectively or justly outside the criminal justice system ; and also whether there should be a properly structured system of plea bargaining with proper safeguards .
16 Adverse movement in either would lessen the number of hours which could be taken as play , but still would not dictate precisely which hours had to be worked .
17 This is believed to be harmless unlike the use of X-rays which could be damaging .
18 It turned out that mechanically drilled small holes in plywood were fringed on the inside with a little coronet of splinters which could not be removed because it could usually neither be seen nor reached .
19 If not much is known about the properties of operators which could act on N and its children , then the plan may be misleading .
20 The February 1987 issue printed a list of books which could be obtained from Vanguard Books .
21 There are many features of animals which could be improved on , and which are as they are because of the legacy of the past .
22 Another person could weep and out of the weeping find memories of strengths which could lead to formulating a treatment plan and a cure .
23 In March 1975 , a brief concern ( shown to be unfounded one month later ) that the use of oxidizing catalysts on vehicles was encouraging the production of sulphates which could pose a considerable threat to public health led the EPA to suspend the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission standard deadlines for one year .
24 Quite apart from their own reservations about the wisdom of the American action in Panama , most EC governments believe it would be impossible to find the form of words which could be agreed by the British Government and by Spain and other critics of the US intervention .
25 Teyler , Roemer , Harrisson and Thompson ( 1973 ) recorded evoked potentials when subjects simply thought of the meaning of words which could be used either as nouns or verbs .
26 One is reminded of the early expert , but possibly apocryphal , prediction that the maximum number of computers which could be envisaged as being necessary in the UK might be as much as two .
27 A more dynamic approach of this kind was possible with the advent of computers which could analyse the necessary amounts of synoptic data .
28 This will be routinely tested at your antenatal visits for pregnancy diabetes and the presence of proteins which could indicate that pre-eclampsia is developing .
29 Is it not the case that when the Government privatised the electricity and gas companies they created not a range of companies which could induce real competition for the benefit of customers and the environment but large companies with near monopoly supply status which are not in the least interested in energy efficiency ?
30 The number of companies which could not meet payment orders for lack of sufficient funds rose by 60 per cent .
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