Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] over " in BNC.

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31 The next day both he and his plane were gone and with hundreds of planes going over , the next morning D Day had begun .
32 An experiment will be carried out in which pairs of individuals bargain over the division of a sum of money .
33 A vee of geese goes over , one goose honking at the setting sun .
34 Its placement has , of course , nothing to do with increasing barge loads as has been claimed , the aqueduct load remaining constant while carrying water regardless of boats passing over , but the new aqueduct is wider , reducing the potential for collision damage .
35 The evening shift of medics took over from their exhausted colleagues at 1800 hours .
36 So , for the moment , our problem is not with the Navy observers who are directing the naval guns , it 's with the increasing number of guns firing over our positions from the direction of the River Orne .
37 There were also several incidents in the same state of booth-capturing : gangs of thugs taking over polling stations and stuffing the ballot box with votes for their favoured candidates .
38 But on one side there is a greenhouse and vegetables , and on the other side an army of chickens peck over the brown dirt .
39 A new team of managers took over the semi-state-owned bank on May 13th .
40 do is we 'll get rid of those couple of things left over
41 ‘ He dreamed one night that the way from Al Ain to Abu Dhabi would be green with branches of trees coming over to give shade .
42 Thousands of civilians swarmed over several military garrisons , seizing the weapons and " liberating " the bases .
43 All sorts of bits left over from Ladymont days .
44 Has you got lots of bits left over ?
45 But in this … chapter we are specially concerned with movements of prices ranging over still longer periods than those for which the most farsighted dealers in futures generally make their reckoning : we have to consider the volume of production adjusting itself to the conditions of the market , and the normal price being thus determined at the position of stable equilibrium of normal demand and normal supply .
46 After a meagre supper of beans left over from the orderlies ' meal , Pétain slept , huddled in an armchair .
47 He glanced out at a gang of starlings fighting over some breadcrumbs that had been tossed on the lawn .
48 Putting paid to Daisy 's hour of peace were also hoards of children clambering over pews , chasing each other down the aisles , punching their mothers , and having to be repeatedly hushed for talking .
49 Not handsome , but nice-looking in a way I had usually rather deprecated , if not despised : not the lean and craggy looks that I had always admired , but a blunt-featured face with a wide mouth , dark eyes tilted slightly down at the outer corners , and an untidy thatch of brown hair of which a couple of locks fell over a broad forehead , and were from time to time irritably brushed back .
50 Here and there were crowds of men bargaining over cattle and horses .
51 Publication of the standards is part of a series of initiatives taken over the last few years , including production of the ‘ Best Practice ’ management kit in 1985 , The Society 's model ‘ Office Manual ’ [ 1987 ] , the development of management training , and publication of the ‘ Quality Briefing ’ and ‘ Client Care Guide . ’
52 It reached a climax in 1977 when another troupe of actors took over a shop in the main street of Shiraz , hard by the mosque , and performed in the shop and on the pavement a play that involved a full frontal rape and laws acts between naked , consenting actors .
53 But even Dr El-Essawy talks of tempers boiling over .
54 There was very little disruption , a couple of chairs turned over and a table with most of its top scored off by shotgun pellets lay on its side .
55 Recently various writers have drawn attention to the domesticated image of women put over in the mass media , in textbooks and reading books for children , and in school curricula .
56 ‘ El-Gama'a el-Islamiya asserts that the blood of Ahmed Zaki and his men , who have avenged the blood of tens of militants spilled over almost a year in Egypt , will not dry until the blood of revenge flows , ’ the militants said in a statement .
57 A group of workmen crossing over to the Valley just before dawn found her by the shore . ’
58 ‘ There 's a load of nomes going over to the dump , so we 'll have company the rest of the way .
59 At March 1979 the number of in-patients waiting over one year was 185,195 .
60 Not valid for guests staying over a Friday or Saturday night .
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