Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly the resolution is below that of the Hi-Res screen displays on several of the computers that the Touchmaster is available for so it will be impossible to resolve to a single on , for example , the BBC Micro in Mode 0 .
2 That is another way of saying he wants his team to win , because they remain only a point clear , although after tonight they will still have a match in hand .
3 But there is need for agreement before each financial year about exactly what will be totally delegated to the head under LMS .
4 For tonight I will put a chair by her door , out in the passage where she will bump into it .
5 Erm so who do we put into the suggestion of perhaps you will look at that with a very serious and maybe sort of er or by to take seventy three million .
6 ‘ Thirdly , I believe that by the end of tonight you will see an increase in the number of Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament and I give this undertaking to each of them .
7 ‘ Whenever you wish to get out of here I will come and fetch you , ’ he said quietly .
8 ‘ At the end of BST they will get an hour back so at the end of the day it will all even out , ’ he said .
9 Zenith disassembles Acme 's program and re-writes parts of it to make its program , perhaps using a different computer language — definite infringement of copyright ( the act of disassembly itself will constitute an infringement of copyright ) .
10 Point out that in the case of a married couple or a permanent relationship ( especially between a man and woman living together and with the possibility of children , planned or unexpected ) , the joint tenancy is the surest guarantee that on the death of either there will at least be a roof over the heads of the surviving family , particularly if there is to be a mortgage supported by a life endowment policy .
11 Let us hope that for once he will stand up and be counted and go down fighting — as go down he assuredly will .
12 It was pretty rough at one time , but whatever it 's like now it will be better , surely , than some posh hotel . ’
13 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
14 For now we will restrict ourselves to data on decision making and publication times .
15 ‘ Later we can calm her , but for now she will continue like this until she grows tired .
16 And because I fear that that is the position , I can not help but feel that before long we will have yet another attempt to amend Act seventeen , nineteen sixty three and that we will go round the circuit , the same circuit once again with I fear the same result .
17 Every project you undertake will be better than the last and before long you will be able to say : ‘ Well , that 's not too bad but I 'm sure that the next job will be perfect . ’
18 He conducts great concerts , and before long he will make the lame walk — and then he does just a good concert and people are disappointed .
19 Before long he will be so out of touch with technical matters that he has nothing new to contribute .
20 Before long there will be an embassy of Samarkand in Delhi . ’
21 That is the normal pattern of development , and before long she will be able to know in advance — and then let you know .
22 I have decided that as from tonight I will be reborn under a different star , ’ and here she gestured upwards to the constellation over her head , ‘ I will be rechristened , I will come down those stairs tomorrow night fresh to the world and glistening with a new name ; from now on , you will kindly refer to me , both to my sainted face and behind my back , as Mother .
23 Seven years from now they will be Britain 's top importers .
24 In five years time from now it will have developed into an all powerful , constitutionally independent institution responsible for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
25 Sixty years from now you will bless him .
26 From now he will be treated as a Soviet offender , that is why he is not at Camp 5 …
27 From tomorrow they will have BA flight numbers .
28 sort of , to put it , I 'm gon na be is that as from tomorrow we will have identified what erm desking and so on will be moved during the reorganization erm , and obviously any of the desking that is n't gon na be moved until the organization , we 'll be tidying up the cables .
29 From here you will drive to see the Boudhnath stupa , one of the largest in the world .
30 ‘ If you will wait in here I will let Lady Ursula know that you have arrived . ’
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