Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] from a " in BNC.

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1 For instance , if you are going to be discussing inner city problems , speaking about them from a beautiful stately home deep in the heart of the countryside lessens the impact somewhat !
2 A path in a graph is a sequence of distinct nodes a b c … d e with arcs between them from a to b , b to c , … d to e .
3 My first bike was a Hercules , which Grandma got for me from a niece of hers .
4 My agent had borrowed it for me from a cousin who had gone to New York for six months .
5 There were a couple of men waiting for me in the car park tonight , said they had a message for me from a ‘ friend ’ that ran along the lines of warning me to keep my nose out of things that did n't concern me . ’
6 Is there a message for me from a garage ? ’ she changed her mind to rephrase it pleasantly to the man whom she 'd seen many times before and who , from his broad welcoming smile , she knew had remembered her .
7 If , for example , two people watch young tearaways behaving in an abusive manner towards them from a safe distance across the street , a conviction would be proper only if they were really likely to fear that violence would be likely to be used against them ( or another ) .
8 ‘ As I came to a junction , a car pulled out in front of me from a road on the left .
9 I had a clear view of them from a branch of a tree that overhung the water , and I watched them on several occasions .
10 It was as if the train journey itself , the old-fashioned intimate compartment in which they had found themselves , the freedom from interruptions and the tyranny of the telephone , the sense of time visibly flying , annihilated under the pounding wheels , not to be accounted for , had released both of them from a carefulness which had become so much a part of living that they were no longer aware of its weight until they let it slip from their shoulders .
11 There were cut locks of hair , too : tight , black curls , some of them from a beard .
12 Rooks streamed up towards him from a small area of woodland .
13 Teal saw torch beams bobbing towards him from a side corridor and grabbed Bernice 's arm .
14 His performance was pitiful , five goals flew past him from a bewildering array of angles , and in one pathetic ritual he ended up wrapped round the goal-post , in a knot of utter hopelessness .
15 However , it might be said that to require additional disclosure from all companies as a means of addressing the lack of it from a few is to force rules on the majority for the sake of the minority .
16 Yes , he knew Henry Stych , and , yes , he knew of The Cheaper Sex ; he had confiscated a copy of it from a Grade 10 child only this morning .
17 Tom and Terry , but especially Terry , wanted to know everything about us immediately : where we 'd been to school ; what we 'd studied ; the history of the British constitution , or lack of it from an American point of view ; what the real situation was in Ireland ; why did n't Brian hit me when I responded to a proffered cigarette with , ‘ Fuck off out of my life , you wheedling Irish bastard ’ ?
18 One thing worth remarking about this is cosmology and astronomy in general is very unusual science in the sense that when we observe very distant objects in the universe we are observing the universe actually as it was in the past , because the light that 's coming towards us from a distant galaxy or cluster of galaxies actually left that object maybe millions or billions of years ago .
19 But the ground defences were already hitting … a Ju87 disintegrated in front of us from a direct hit , while two others failed to pull out of their dives , disappearing vertically into the sea off the harbour entrance . ’
20 For that reason , it is worth thinking about what is interesting about you from a journalist 's point of view before trying to woo him or her with your beautiful noise .
21 The first ever personalised beauty programme written for you by experts , with cosmetics specially selected for you from an exclusive new range .
22 There was considerable pressure for actions against them from a sanctimonious middle class , some of whose members held extraordinary delusions .
23 Even when the latter does raise religious matters , he seems to deal with them from a different perspective than that of the ascetic theology of Faustus or the spiritual philosophy of another great writer and friend , Claudianus Mamertus .
24 ‘ I drank champagne with him from a pewter pot in the rooms of the Master of Trinity at Oxford in 1948 , ’ he wrote .
25 A shower of dust sprinkled his face but before he could react the gunman leaped onto him from a ledge on the wall .
26 Test the alarm regularly by pressing the test button or blowing smoke into it from a cigarette or candle .
27 She had dug a trench and was busy shovelling manure into it from an antiquated wheelbarrow , her thin arms in the tightly fitting sleeves of her black sweater swinging to and fro like crankshafts .
28 If you look upon me from an aerial view , I 'm open .
29 Er so I , it was really instilled in me from a very early age .
30 He took an interest in it from a scientific point of view and his etchings and aquatints show he had a clear understanding of different types of cloud formation and their associated weather .
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