Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It visited chiefs , and worked through them to find out about local resources , tools , apprenticeship patterns and market locations .
2 Sun continues to say it will use the chip but it 's kind of hard for them to say where definitively until there 's working silicon .
3 All National Park authorities will become independent Boards , which will make it easier for them to carry out their tasks effectively .
4 With the Technical Branch based at Southampton it was very convenient for them to carry out maintenance and to turn the engines over occasionally during the cold weather .
5 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
6 ‘ My philosophy disagrees with theirs in the long-term because I think for them to succeed properly , they have to subvert from within .
7 People can tell : I 'm really longing for them to leave so I can get on with it . ’
8 I finally said the only thing I damn well wanted was for them to leave so I could get to the hospital .
9 On the credit side , there is much for the parents as well as the teenagers to gain when the time comes for them to leave home .
10 Parents were reluctant for them to leave home too early — particularly because of the loss of income to the family budget that would ensue — and there was a fear also of the independent youth culture with its sexual rituals , such as the ‘ monkey parade ’ , public courting areas where youth proudly proclaimed both its independence and sexuality .
11 ‘ In Italy young women live with their families ; it is unheard-of for them to leave home . ’
12 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
13 He is also sceptical or the argument that parasuicides and the unemployed are linked by personality disorders which make it difficult for them to hold down jobs .
14 There were no Jews for them to complain about , but when questioned by Timewatch the modern Master Race considered the Paraguayan natives to be lazy good-for-nothings .
15 Swarf shouted for them to speed up .
16 Nowhere was the impact of this clumsy sleight of hand more evident than in the inner cities , where voluntary organizations had been most active , and where the Government was most anxious for them to mop up unemployment .
17 It might be better for them to prop up the Ottoman empire for a while longer , but at the same time to keep their options open by maintaining contact with the various factions amongst the Serbs .
18 Are they there for some special purpose or just because there happened to be a nail on the wall for them to hang on ?
19 For them to miss out , they would have to lose their last qualifying tie , in Malta next month , while the Hungarians were winning by a handsome margin in Seville .
20 Consequently more students in this are group are having to pay fares — a very cogent reason , indeed , for them to choose carefully where they wish to study .
21 It was agreed that the growing diversity of pressures upon schools made it difficult for them to adapt intelligently and consistently .
22 They knew only , as they retraced their steps through the deep woodland of the park , that they could no longer be content at Racedown , even had it been possible for them to remain there .
23 Was it easier for them was it easy for them to pick up work or would they have been woul would they have to face a long time on the dole or ?
24 They often think that if their flying is good enough , it is safe for them to press on in any weather conditions .
25 It 's for them to sort out .
26 Ah I do n't know if Russell 's going , I mean that 's something for them to sort out upstairs .
27 Their ability to hover enables them to construct their tiny cups on sites that are not even big enough for them to perch on — two crossing stems , perhaps , or even the tip of a leaf .
28 And put in brackets E G you know how you like give an example for them to fill in and say E G B B C
29 ‘ But it does n't seem right for them to drive about like that , ’ said Sister Dew .
30 These remained the concerns of Belorussian peasants in the 1920s , but unlike French peasants there were no small-scale politics for them to latch on to in order to climb slowly out of their deep provincialism .
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