Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] a " in BNC.

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1 but you 've got every right to pontificate on the on the hunting even though you do n't live there er , Mr I du n no , barbarism , is this , is this for the Labour a free vote .
2 Nothing of the old building remained and the long extension to the bar , dignified by the name Banqueting Hall , provided for the undiscriminating a venue for weddings and local functions and on other nights served a predictable menu of prawns or soup , steak or chicken , and fruit salad with ice-cream .
3 The working of the Contagious Diseases Acts themselves also served to mobilise many a radical working man against the exploitation of working-class women , and an important alliance developed between this radicalism and feminists , which had the additional effect of providing for the latter a social support which enhanced their authority within the repeal movement .
4 But he sat there three hours on the motorway waiting for the bloody A A man to find him and , apparently he did n't find it , could n't find him sa cos he rang back he said , look there 's no one come yet !
5 I 'm not sure where it 's gone today , but for the energetic a new book of Oxfordshire rambles has just arrived in the bookshop .
6 This is remarkably close to the situation envisaged by Opdebeeck for the English a cappella scene , one in which directors do not ( or can not ) impose their own musical personality , leading to performances which sound beautiful because the members of the choir have been excellently prepared by their training in the choral tradition but which all sound the same .
7 This is a double alienation and for the Christian a curious kind of worldliness of mind .
8 During the 1920s a terminal building was built , with capacity to deal with 10,000 passengers an hour .
9 In education there was during the 1960s a gradual shift towards comprehensive secondary schooling partly prompted by a ( false ) belief that such schooling would help eradicate the worst ine-qualities ( class , not gender ) of the tripartite system , as shown by researchers in the sociology of education ( see Finn , Grant and Johnson , 1978 ) .
10 New universities were established and existing ones were expanded ; between 1969 and 1973 thirty polytechnics came into being ; and during the 1970s a third tier , colleges and institutes of higher education , was added .
11 For all these reasons some economists have for years advocated this approach to monetary policy and during the 1970s a number of governments began at least to pay lip service to it by announcing target rates of growth for the money supply over the coming year .
12 During the 1970s a forum of scholar-critics gradually became established in England .
13 During the 1980s a number of such co-operative enterprises came into existence — for example ESPRIT , EUREKA , FAST and RACE .
14 During the 1980s a strong Steering Committee has developed , which reflects on and plans the programme .
15 For example , during the Carboniferous a more bizarre and highly specialized strain of reptile/amphibian emerged — the pelycosaurs .
16 During the 1930s a strong pacifist movement came into being which was not tied to a major party although most of its supporters were Labour or Liberal voters .
17 During the mid-Seventies a major study in Burkina Faso ( then Upper Volta ) investigated the reasons why hundreds and thousands of young men leave the country each year to look for employment in Ivory Coast .
18 Acclaimed as a Pre-Raphaelite painter by this school 's chief commentator W. M. Rossetti [ q.v. ] in 1871 , she became during the 1870s a recognized member of that group of artists seen by critics to be following in the footsteps of Dante Gabriel Rossetti [ q.v. ] and Burne-Jones .
19 During the 1870s a group at Cambridge under the leadership of Henry Sidgwick , an eminent philosopher whose Methods of Ethics ( 1874 ) is a standard work of utilitarianism , began systematic experiments .
20 During the Seventies a hazy eroticism was on offer every week , courtesy of Pan 's People in their gold Lurex hot pants .
21 During the 1860s a few isolated attempts to form close-knit organizations overlapped with more widespread efforts to develop educational circles for workers and to take up posts as village teachers or medical assistants in order to establish links with the peasants .
22 ‘ Primitivism ’ the big show that addressed the relationship between the two a few years ago at the Museum of Modern Art got the debate off to a controversial and often acrimonious start .
23 The white will always tend to show through the black a little and vice versa , so let it .
24 With a scalpel Reid would cut half way through one side of the tendon , half way through the other a little higher up , then pull the tendon which would stretch and later heal and join up .
25 By contrast , after the 1720s a levelling off of population growth and the increasing economic problems of the ruling élite led to an absolute decline in the population of many towns and cities .
26 Twelve year old Emma Butler died during a kickabout after a five a side football match … she 'd been watching her younger brother , Matthew , play in a tournament organised by the St Edmunds Football Club at the European School in Abingdon … details of what exactly happened are still sketchy … but it 's believed a hockey goal post which was leaning against a hut fell down crushing Emmas chest …
27 In the ‘ baby boom ’ of the 1960S a whole generation of children were reared on Dr Spock and a belief in the right of self-expression .
28 There was , however , he suggests , a shift away from legal moralism , and through the reformist legislation of the 1960s a certain amount of ‘ piecemeal moral engineering ’ was achieved .
29 Diego Dobrilla of the 287 a Squadriglia R.M. had taken off from his base at Elmas with a Naval tenente aboard his Z.506B as observer .
30 Giuseppe Sanguettoli of the 74 a Squadriglia being killed ; the pilots of the 23° Gruppo claimed one Hurricane shot down between them .
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